Hi all,

I've published the new tool on git master branch. You can find it at src/tools/perf_replies
Please try it and report any problems.
Performance report are appreciated as well.

The suggested test tools:
wrk, h2load --h1


On 01.07.2023 14:15, lingweicai via libmicrohttpd wrote:

Hi Evgeny:

Could you please help to share the benchmark source file with me by email ? I want to run it on my system ASAP.



----- 原始邮件 -----


*发送时间:*2023-07-01 17:30:20

*收件人:*Evgeny Grin<k...@yandex.ru>;libmicrohttpd development and user mailinglist<libmicrohttpd@gnu.org>

*主 题:*回复:Re: [libmicrohttpd] Help : Any HTTP Performance Benchmark Comparison for Microhttpd with Go HTTP Servers

Hi Evgeny:

The results are really exciting. Really apreciate your efforts.



----- 原始邮件 -----

*发件人:*Evgeny Grin<k...@yandex.ru>

*发送时间:*2023-06-30 03:29:17

*收件人:*libmicrohttpd development and user mailinglist<libmicrohttpd@gnu.org>


*主 题:*Re: [libmicrohttpd] Help : Any HTTP Performance Benchmark Comparison for Microhttpd with Go HTTP Servers

Hi Forrest,

 The tool for performance replies is shaping, I have alpha version and
 made some test with suggested wrk.
 Here are the initial results:
 $ wrk -c100 -d30s -t4
 Running 30s test @
 4 threads and 100 connections
 Thread Stats Avg Stdev Max +/- Stdev
 Latency 143.75us 57.42us 1.93ms 69.18%
 Req/Sec 102.70k 2.45k 108.02k 70.92%
 12262004 requests in 30.00s, 479.45MB read
 Requests/sec: 408721.22
 Transfer/sec: 15.98MB

 $ wrk -c100 -d30s -t8
 Running 30s test @
 8 threads and 100 connections
 Thread Stats Avg Stdev Max +/- Stdev
 Latency 110.83us 251.91us 23.18ms 99.77%
 Req/Sec 101.68k 15.28k 130.87k 65.28%
 24297494 requests in 30.10s, 0.93GB read
 Requests/sec: 807215.36
 Transfer/sec: 31.56MB

 $ wrk -c400 -d30s -t8
 Running 30s test @
 8 threads and 400 connections
 Thread Stats Avg Stdev Max +/- Stdev
 Latency 387.42us 159.03us 13.43ms 74.39%
 Req/Sec 109.04k 13.31k 133.24k 59.58%
 26036491 requests in 30.04s, 0.99GB read
 Requests/sec: 866619.04
 Transfer/sec: 33.89MB

 $ wrk -c400 -d30s -t4
 Running 30s test @
 4 threads and 400 connections
 Thread Stats Avg Stdev Max +/- Stdev
 Latency 482.26us 266.28us 25.07ms 94.71%
 Req/Sec 108.71k 4.57k 120.72k 80.42%
 12979154 requests in 30.06s, 507.49MB read
 Requests/sec: 431811.63
 Transfer/sec: 16.88MB

 $ wrk -c1000 -d30s -t4
 Running 30s test @
 4 threads and 1000 connections
 Thread Stats Avg Stdev Max +/- Stdev
 Latency 1.17ms 475.29us 29.10ms 70.65%
 Req/Sec 101.63k 8.46k 126.45k 81.94%
 12121757 requests in 30.05s, 473.97MB read
 Requests/sec: 403322.87
 Transfer/sec: 15.77MB

 $ wrk -c1000 -d30s -t8
 Running 30s test @
 8 threads and 1000 connections
 Thread Stats Avg Stdev Max +/- Stdev
 Latency 1.20ms 368.89us 20.19ms 88.20%
 Req/Sec 89.15k 8.66k 116.86k 71.04%
 21283031 requests in 30.09s, 832.18MB read
 Requests/sec: 707233.60
 Transfer/sec: 27.65MB
 I'll let you know when tool is published.


 On 26.06.2023 3:52, lingweicai via libmicrohttpd wrote:

  ), the results :


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