Hi Forrest,

For GNU Taler, we are using mustach, which works well:

Happy hacking!


On 12/7/22 04:43, lingweicai via libmicrohttpd wrote:
Dear All,

I am developing a web tool with microhttpd for systems control. I am using
Bootstrap 5 (CSS) and some javascript lib to be the frontend. while I think a
HTML template is required to generate HTML pages daynmically with data in
backend from microhttpd.

I am looking at libctemplate, a C HTML Template Library (sourceforge.net)
<https://libctemplate.sourceforge.net/>  , while I am not sure if the C template
can contain loop embedded in loop ( for example two loop, the first loop is for
<tr>, inside it the embedded loop is for <td>s ) . Is it a good tool with
microhttpd ?

or do any experts have suggestions how to render html pages including CSS/JS
integration with microhttpd for browser to display ?




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