> Date: Sat, 7 Dec 2013 19:38:39 +0000
> From: Hazel Russman <hazeldeb...@googlemail.com>
> To: lfs-support@linuxfromscratch.org
> Subject: Re: [lfs-support] GCC build first pass: mpc build looks for
>  libgmp.la in the wrong place
> > 
> I have now established that gmp was never installed on my host system.
> I had the binaries because they come with the elflibs package, but not
> the ancillary files. So I installed the library explicitly and tried
> again. This time the gcc build went to completion but when I looked in
> the .la files afterwards, this is what I found:
> In /gcc-build/mpfr/src/libmpfr.la
> dependency_libs=' /usr/lib64/libgmp.la'
> In /gcc-build/mpc/src/libmpc.la
> dependency_libs=' /usr/lib64/libmpfr.la /usr/lib64/libgmp.la -lm'
> Now this, to my mind, is the real error. My unorthodox setup showed it
> up by crashing the build, but what is the software doing looking
> in /usr/lib64 in the first place? I thought the whole point of giving
> the compiler a target was to trick it into thinking it was compiling
> for a different computer so that it wouldn't look for stuff on the
> host system. And it can't be anything to do with an LD_LIBRARY_PATH
> variable because the lfs user hasn't got one.
> On a full Slackware install, no one would notice this. Who is going to
> root around in archive files looking for bad dependency paths when
> everything has gone smoothly?    

Hmmm. Three slightly-indirect observations (hopefully not too off-topic ;) ):
* can you post the output, please, of each of:
  $ ls -latrF /usr/lib64/lib{gmp,mpc,mpfr}*
  $ md5sum /usr/lib64/lib{gmp,mpc,mpfr}*

* did you try a build with the (somewhere-)suggested fallback of 
  'make -j 1 ...'  ?

* when building from a really customised host-os, one needs to be prepared to 
  'get forensic' if necessary: else it's best to build from a (small-c) 
  conservative base. You might, if not already, want to at least skim-read the 
  main docs in the gcc/mpc/mpfr/gmp source-trees, not least to see if anything 
  'jumps out' at you wrt how you've got your host-os setup. You might also 
  want to use the likes of strace to see if/where/how the host-os /usr/lib64 
  stuff is being accessed.


p.s. Re the wider picture here: when putting together the kind of host-os 
system that you describe, it can be useful to use the dependencies info from 
lfs/blfs (with a judicious number of grains of salt), plus an (again, 
judicious) admixture of the command-lists on the lfs/blfs pages and in the 
'SlackBuild' files (e.g. 
  ). Not assuming you've not already done or considered similar; just mention 
it in case not and in case of use.

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