On 07/07/2013 11:14 AM, Sergey Shidlovsky wrote:
>     From: "Armin K." <kre...@email.com <mailto:kre...@email.com>>
>     Did you stop the build and resumed later, but forgot to mount virtual
>     file systems?
> Yes, I can't continue the building process to the end without stops and
> resumes. And I can't truly remember did I or not all preparations after
> resuming, so it worth to check. But, if so, can I just correctly set up
> my environment and just recomplie gcc package?
> Thanks in advance.
> -- 
> Yours faithfully,
> Sergey N Shidlovsky

You should just redo "Preparing Virtual Kernel File Systems" and
"Entering the Chroot Environment" before continuing. You can continue
with GCC tests, no need to rebuild it if it's already built.
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