Hi again! =)

One more question, if you please.

While adjusting toolchain, we do such search:

echo 'main(){}' > dummy.c
cc dummy.c -v -Wl, --verbose &> dummy.log


Next, verify that the new linker is being used with the correct search

grep 'SEARCH.*/usr/lib' dummy.log |sed 's|; |\n|g'

If everything is working correctly, there should be no errors, and the
output of the last command (allowing for platform-specific target triplets)
will be:


Errata for section 6.10 of LFS 7.3 stable book says that:

In Section 6.10, the results of the grep for SEARCH should not include:

But I DO get this string in the output. Is it ok, or something went wrong?

Yours faithfully,
Sergey N Shidlovsky
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