Sorry, you probably have been asked this many times, but I just like this email 
approach and this is my first to LFS.

Assume that I'm a noob. Not a complete noob, but a noob.

I know that the linux distro will boot up, many to a fancy shell. Then "startx" 
is all I know. Cool! It started... X. 

I don't only want to start x. I want to learn bash so well that I can make 
breakfast with it (it and python). I can ls around, know of pwd, grep and 
similar but have no idea what they actually do - note, some virtual bash 
consoles don't have man pages. 

I don't understand the tree structure of *nix. Why is there a bin there... And 
there. And they seem to be linked (symlinked? Added to PATH? Piped?? Same setup 
on all linuxes?). What is | for anyway? What is etc, usr, mnt and why do I 
always end up breaking any linux even with no admin rights? I know the answer 
to this - because I experiment (that's how I've learnt what I know to date... 
At the cost of having to reformat partitions)

If this seems vague and chaotic, it is intentional.
How would you respond to this?
Regards, MR Essop
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