Hi, Thank you Chris.
Thanks for your reply. I now understand a bit more about why we need
Binutils Pass 1 and Pass 2.

However, I still prefer using Binutils 2.23.1, does that mean I'll have to
create my own patch for Binutils-2.23.1??
Are you planning to afford the patches to all newest needed packages?

Thanks again.

Merry Christmas ^_^

On Tue, Dec 18, 2012 at 5:04 AM, Chris Staub <ch...@beaker67.com> wrote:

> On 12/18/2012 07:51 AM, JIA Pei wrote:
> >
> > Hi, Simon:
> >
> > The reason why I'm doing that (use binutils-2.23.1 instead of
> > binutils-2.22) is I don't want to 100% strictly follow LFS book, so that
> > I might be able to understand how to build my own Linux deeper.
> >
> > And, even now, I've got no idea why we need to patch binutils ??
> > Because without patching binutils, I'm still able to pass BinUtils Pass
> > 1....
> The book itself quite clearly explains what the patch does. If you
> *really* want to "learn" then start by, for example, reading the patch
> itself to see how exactly it works.
> However, since you still felt to need to ask, for example, if
> Binutils/GCC Pass 2 was necessary, despite the fact that the build
> process is thoroughly explained, it appears you aren't really making
> much of an effort to read the information that's already there. If you
> really do want to "learn" start off by - as I've said to you at least
> twice before - actually reading all the text in the book.
> --
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