Richard Melville wrote:
> Richard Melville wrote:
>>> Finally -- some recognition that there is a potential problem with this
>>> build.  I disagree that it "works okay for x86 and x86_64" because I
>>> reported here that the MPC configure error appeared randomly on my x86_64
>>> build, as, indeed, others have.  I've already suggested building outside
>>> the tree in chapter 5, as we do in chapter 6.  I  still believe that
>> there
>>> is some sort of race condition happening by building the three packages
>> in
>>> the tree at the same time,  but I've been too busy of late to test for
>> that.
>> Have you seen the problem with 'make -j1'
> Yes

> I originally tried with make -j2, but when it failed I set make -j1 having
> first created a newly untarred copy;  It still failed, and failed a further
> couple of times before finally building, apparently at random, that is,
> with me doing nothing different from the other occasions with make -j1 set.

Race conditions are always had to solve.  I need a complete log of 
configure && make -j1  with the failure to try to trace down what is 

   -- Bruce
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