Christian Gardner wrote:
> So the last time I had this problem a couple of weeks ago, it occurred only 
> in the second pass of the gcc build.
> Now it occurs in the first pass. And unlike last time, it hasn't magically 
> disappeared.
> Having trashed the partition with my host LFS system on it, I'm using Xubuntu 
> 11.04 as the host this time.
> But that's unlikely to be the problem given this occurred back with LFS 6.8 
> as host too.
> To recap: I can create the filesystem okay and install the binutils tool 
> (first pass). Doing gcc, the configure
> appears to go okay but then the make quits after a while, with
> configure: error: libmpfr not found or uses a different ABI.

Follow the book:

These are from 5.3. General Compilation Instructions

tar -xf gcc.tarball
cd gcc-4.6.2 <-- you probably missed this.

# From  5.5.1. Installation of Cross GCC

tar -jxf ../mpfr-3.1.0.tar.bz2
mv -v mpfr-3.1.0 mpfr
tar -jxf ../gmp-5.0.2.tar.bz2
mv -v gmp-5.0.2 gmp
tar -zxf ../mpc-0.9.tar.gz
mv -v mpc-0.9 mpc

   -- Bruce
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