----- Mensagem original -----

> De: Lars Bamberger <maill...@herr-der-mails.de>
> Para: blfs-supp...@linuxfromscratch.org
> Cc: 
> Enviadas: Domingo, 24 de Julho de 2011 8:53
> Assunto: Re: paco
> Oh, I think I'm loosing track of what the problem was in the first
> place. :-/
I do not think so. Again, thank you very much for this reply!

> On Fernando de Oliveira wrote:
>>  Please, the correct order of columns for command paco -sMFCndd iptables is:
>>  [package size] [missing-size] [number of installed files] [number of 
> missing files] [number of  shared files] [install date]
>>  $ paco -sMFCndd iptables
>>  2.6M [       ]  134 [  ] (134)  21-Jul-2011 19:57  iptables-1.4.11
>>  2.6M [       ]  150 [  ] (150)  22-Jul-2011 18:21  iptables-
>>  2.6M [       ]  150 [  ] (148)  23-Jul-2011 15:30  iptables-1.4.12
>>  2.0M [336k]     120 [6 ] (120)  21-Jul-2011 20:13  iptables-1.4.7
> OK, so the oldest version of iptables (iptables-1.4.7) which was
> installed after iptables-1.4.11 has 120 installed files, of which all
> 120 are shared. So, it should be safe to do a 'paco -U iptables-1.4.7'.
> As for the other versions of iptables (1.4.11 and, the same
> applies: all installed files are shared. It would seem the shared files
> are now also owned by iptables-1.4.12 (which is the most recent version
> we want to keep.) iptables-1.4.12 is the only package that has two files
> uniquely associated with it.


> Also, it would seem that the previous attempts to delete iptables (paco
> -r) did exactly what they should do: all non-shared files are deleted,
> but since there are still some shared files, the package remains in the
> database.

Yes, it did. Very, very good software.
I had some problems with an LFS on a notebook I owned, and with paco, I am 
considering to try again with a new notebook, when LFS-6.9 is released. 

> So, after removing iptables-1.4.7 as described above, do a 'paco -ua'
> just to be sure.
I have been doing it repeatedly.

> Next, move on to the next oldest version of iptables (1.4.11). If all that is
> remaining are shared files, remove it from the database. Keep doing this
> until you wind up with only the most recent version of iptables
> (1.4.12). DONE

Yesterday, after speending some hours with several package upgrades in LFS 6.5, 
6.7,6.9, and for one that could be removed with "make uninstall" (alsa-lib), I 
generated the same problem.

To make the story short, I just tried (obviously without sucess) to remove with 
paco, then I removed from paco database all logs, using paco -U alsa-lib, 
uninstalled, installed with paco, and then was able to "unpaco" and paco. After 
finishing the upgrades, I did the same with iptables (paco -U iptables) and now 
paco is clean, showing only really paco-installed software:
$ paco -sMFCndd alsa-lib
3.5M [ ]  132 [ ] (   )  24-Jul-2011 15:59  alsa-lib-
$ paco -sMFCndd iptables
2.6M [ ]  150 [ ] (   )  24-Jul-2011 21:41  iptables-1.4.12

Águas passadas (passed waters; I think, in English, it is "water under the 

Perhaps, paco is a good candidate for some future BLFS releases?

Thank you very much again.

Fernando de Oliveira
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