>On Wed, 03 Nov 2010 10:58:08 -0600
>John Harrigan <jfharri...@fedex.com> wrote:
> (disclaimer - I'm not using a standard build so I understand if no one
> can help me.)
> I've mostly followed the development book and added an initrd and BSD
> style init scripts.  My problem is that output from the rc scripts is
> not echoed to the console during boot.  I do get kernel messages on
> the console though.  I know the rc scripts are running because I can
> verify their work after logging in.
> After booting is complete, I can log in and run the rc scripts and the
> output is echoed to the console.  Inside the rc scripts, I can
> redirect output to a file and the output is correct.
> The init script that runs from the initrd is able to echo output to
> the console, but once I switch to the real root the only output I get
> is kernel messages until I'm presented with the login prompt.
> Any ideas on how to debug this would be appreciated.  Thanks.

Do the scripts run in the proper virtual terminal?

-Aleksandar Kuktin
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