littlebat wrote: > Hi, > > I try to measure SBU when installing every package with command > "time {}" and consider post my measure into > " ". > > > 1, If only those packages marked "SBU testsuite included" should include > the time spent on test into SBU measure? > > 2, Or, don't include the test time in SBU measure of any package? > > 3, Or, include every steps from the configuration, up to and including > the first install just like the description in page > ""? > > If I measure the SBU of " > ", > using: > > The first method: > time { ./configure --prefix=/tools && make && make install; } > > The second: > time { ./configure --prefix=/tools && make && make install; } > > The third: > time { ./configure --prefix=/tools && make && TZ=UTC make test && make \ > install; } > > Which method should I use?
I don't see a difference between 1 and 2. In any case, I recommend using times without tests in Chapert 5 and with tests in Chapter 6. Note that the SBU site has not been updated in several years and the set of packages on the site and in the book do not match up exactly any more. The TZ is not needed in any case. My BLFS scripts look something like the following, but I use jhalfs for LFS times. -- Bruce #!/bin/bash source /usr/src/stats ####################### # Installing program DIR=`pwd` PROGRAM=<program> LOG=$DIR/$PROGRAM.log TITLE=$PROGRAM TIMEFORMAT="$TIMEFMT $TITLE" BUILDDIR=/tmp/<program-base> DEST=$BUILDDIR/install rm -rf $BUILDDIR mkdir $BUILDDIR cd $BUILDDIR before=`df -k / | grep / | sed -e "s/ \{2,\}/ /g" | cut -d' ' -f3` tar -xf $DIR/$PROGRAM.tar.?z* || exit 1 cd $PROGRAM { time \ { echo Making $TITLE date ./configure --prefix=/usr && make && make DESTDIR=$DEST install } } 2>&1 | tee -a $LOG if [ $PIPESTATUS -ne 0 ]; then exit 1; fi; stats $LOG $DIR/$PROGRAM.tar.?z* $before exit 0 ---------file stats function stats() { log=$1 tarball=$2 b4=$3 free_now=`df -k / | grep / | sed -e "s/ \{2,\}/ /g" | cut -d" " -f3` buildtime=`tail -n1 $log|cut -f1 -d" "` sbu=`echo "scale=3; $buildtime / 132.5" | bc` psizeK=`du -k $tarball | cut -f1` psizeM=`echo "scale=3; $psizeK / 1024" | bc` bsizeK=`echo "$free_now - $b4" | bc` bsizeM=`echo "scale=3; $bsizeK / 1024" | bc` echo "SBU=$sbu" | tee -a $log echo "$psizeK $tarball size ($psizeM MB)" | tee -a $log echo "$bsizeK kilobytes build size ($bsizeM MB)" | tee -a $log (echo -n "md5sum : "; md5sum $tarball) | tee -a $log (echo -n "sha1sum: "; sha1sum $tarball) | tee -a $log echo "`date` $tarball" >> /usr/src/packages.log } TIMEFMT='%1R Elapsed Time - ' -- FAQ: Unsubscribe: See the above information page