brown wrap wrote:
>> Your best bet, I think, is to use lsmod with CentOS
>> running, and see
>> what's loaded, and configure appropriately.
> I used lsmod on the running CentOS and it must have had nearly 100 modules.

That isn't surprising. The point is to identify what modules
are there, and see which ones look like they are associated.

>> Anyway, you might try replacing the USB mouse with a
>> regular one,
>> either PS/2 or serial port, and see if you can use the
>> machine that
>> way, until you resolve whatever the problem is.
> I tried that. NO inputs work. Not USB or PS/2 mouse and old XT keyboard.

Ah, then the USB I/F is likely not the cause. You may have a
basic chipset incompatibility. Maybe no interrupts, something
like that.

> Today I booted up the LFS 6.3 DVD and its works as well. I found its
> .config and tried to use it to build a kernal:
> make mrproper
> Copied it to .config
> make oldconfig
> make
> make modules_install
> and then copied everything to its place in the /boot directory.
> I had previuously done the same thing with the CentOS .config. Both end up in 
> a 'panic'.

Not surprising. Nearly everything is likely an installable module,
and it likely uses an initrd. That won't work, unless you also
install an initrd, which you aren't if you are following the book.

> So now I went back to building a clean kernel that will at least boot again.
> So to state it again, none of the inputs work after I make the kernel
> selection from the menu. The last time I made this selection I was
> not using the USB, I was using XT and PS/2 mouse.

I suggest using the kernel menu driven configurator, and configure
it according to what lspci shows when booted with anything that
runs. Using lspci will likely tell you what chipset you need to
have support for in the kernel. Build everything as internal,
not a loadable module.

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