I was fortunate to present an overview and commentary on lfs to the St Louis Linux User Group last week.
The presentation in PDF format is found on the Saint Louis UNIX Users Group web site. > http://sluug.org/ > resources > presentations > St. Louis Linux Users Group ( December 17 2009 ) While building my system ( lfs 6.3 using livecd for level/host compatibility) and using the cmd 2>&1 | tee logfile tip I decided to 'beef' up the suggestion. I developed two execs logdir and rch to enable me to collect my command output in a /mnt/lfs/logfile directory These are also posted on SLUUG site with the presentation. logdir - used to set the directory for log output ( invoke by . ) rch - a wrapper prefix to command in the lfs build notes on logdir 1. DO NOT make logdir executable ( invoke by . or source ) 2. I used logdir to put packageX output in /mnt/lfs/logfile/pacakgeX notes on rch: 1. this does not work in all cases ( e.g. stacked cmds) 2. rch prompts for outfile and comment also generates info to a history file overall_command_history overall_package_history . 3. rch are my initial so use your own if you like. 4. I 'hid' them in /usr/bin but you could put them in / directory and invoke /logir /rch . Enjoy(?) and regards Robert C. Hansen Bob -- http://linuxfromscratch.org/mailman/listinfo/lfs-support FAQ: http://www.linuxfromscratch.org/lfs/faq.html Unsubscribe: See the above information page