> Date: Wed, 16 Dec 2009 12:06:23 -0500
> Subject: Re: LFS 6.3 Chapter 6.12, GCC-4.1.2 startfiles check fails --> no
> output
> From: linuxscra...@gmail.com
> To: lfs-support@linuxfromscratch.org
> On 12/16/09, stosss wrote:
>>>> On 12/15/09, Pixel 73 wrote:
>>> Thank you very much for your help. What can I do, if I already did 'make
>>> install'? How can I uninstall again?
> In linux, attempted uninstall risks more harm than good unless you
> really know what might break which is usually not the case.
> At 6.12, GCC-4.1.2, the "Readjusting the toolchain" step has already
> been done, so only a super-geek has any chance to go to anything
> before that without starting at the beginning.
> Something has gone wrong and it is possible that the resulting system
> will be flawed. On the other hand, it is possible that you missed
> something in the GCC-4.1.2 step. As an exercise, it may be possible to
> remove the unpacked GCC-4.1.2 sources dir and the gcc-build dir and do
> that step again. This time paying close attention to the 'make" and
> 'make -k check' and perhaps logging the output for close examination
> like:
> make 2>&1 | tee my_log1
> make -k check 2>&1 | tee my_log2
> If you get the same failure again, then it would be best to start over
> from the beginning which you might be advised to do anyway.
> --
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Thank you very much for your help.
After make distclean I deleted gcc-4.1.2 and gcc-build again and then extracted
and compiled again with your logging-options. There were no exeptional errors
But now I found out, that the startfiles show up when I am entering the
following command:
grep -o '/lib.*/crt[1in].*succeeded' dummy.log
but not when I enter the command as written in the book:
grep -o '/usr/lib.*/crt[1in].*succeeded' dummy.log
So I think, that the startfiles are in the wrong directory (/lib instead of
/usr/lib). Is there a possibilty to correct this or do I have to start over
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