On Fri, Feb 15, 2008 at 11:53 AM, Steven Locher <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hello all
>  Von: Ken Moffat <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>  > On Mon, Feb 11, 2008 at 11:16:08PM +0100, Steven Locher wrote:
>  > >
>  > > It is not for admins, but there is a chapter (2 weeks) reserved for
>  > > that. My idea is to get the basic system going during those 2 weeks.
>  > > ...
> > > That is exactly what I want to know. Is 2 weeks @ 4h are enough?
>  >
>  >  Probably not.  I build from scripts, and I understand how my
>  > scripts work (mostly!), so some of my builds are a straight
>  > run-through.  On my fastest box, (athlon64 4000+, raptor disk)
>  > 4 or 5 hours is ample to get a bootable 32-bit system with gdb,
>  > strace, and a few other bells and whistles.  The things that really
>  > take the time are the toolchain tests, basically all recent
>  > toolchains take for ever.  Your vmware host is unknown territory
>  > for me.  Some people have faster machines, I suppose, others are
>  > slower.
>  Soon I can give you the figures for the VMware virtual machine.
>  Don't expect wonders though, it all runs on a 2 year old laptop
>  1 GB RAM in total, the VM got 256 MB (that was the default value
>  forgot to check).
>  Now my question, which tests are mandatory? You can guess why
>  I'm asking ;-(

Ken will disagree, but I'd say that for your class I wouldn't run the
testsuites, only the book's sanity checks. While running the toolchain
testsuites are vital if you want to ensure that your new system will
work properly, you're just creating temporary development
environments. Furthermore, the toolchain tests are not going to be the
interesting part for your students.

I'd suggest that when you're preparing the course, you do all the
tests on your setup to make sure that the system will work as
advertised if you follow the instructions. But when you're following
the book in class, the testsuites will just be a waste of time, IMO.
You can pound through pretty quickly without them and get to the heart
of what your class will be interested in: using a minimal Linux

I would also suggest that you keep a master system copy that you know
works. It's inevitable that a few of your students will miss an
instruction or make a typo. LFS is not easy to debug in those cases as
the problems usually show up much further up the road. Since you're
using VMware, it should be trivial to keep a clean image around.

Good luck. Sounds like a fun course to me.

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