S. Anthony Sequeira wrote:

>I did exactly this (e2fs and reiser) as these are the only file systems on my 
>machine, and GRUB would not work.  I *always* got 'Error 15: File not found'.  
>Yet if I used the menu.lst entries within the grub shell, it worked.
I encountered an 'Error 15' issue at one stage with similar symptoms,
and found it was due to the fact that the shell and the bootloader don't
necessarily number the drives in the same order. ie. The bootloader uses
the BIOS boot priority order, while the shell places hds before sds. So
-  If you have set your drive sda ahead of hda in the BIOS boot order,
you'll get:

Grub#          Bootloader      Grub Shell
HD0            sda                  hda
HD1            hda                  hdb
HD2            hdb                  sda

You can use /boot/grub/device.map to tweak this. ('grub
--device-map=/boot/grub/device.map' will generate one if it doesn't
already exist.)


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