> On Tue, 12 Apr 2005 11:14:29 +0200
> Winter Andreas <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Yes, good book. I have followed the book and everything worked. But
> > now I want to end up whith a system without any development 
> tools. Of
> > course I can try to manually remove gcc, etc after the build. 
> > And remember: "It's your distro".
> What I'm doing is, to pack the resulting files of every package
> that's been built into an bz2 archive.  This means that at the end of
> chapter 6 I have a complete system represented by a series of 
> bz2 files
> (along with a complete system on one partition), each bz2 file
> containing the 'binary' files from one installed package.
> Now, when I want to build a smaller system I unpack only a subset of
> these bz2 files on another partition (or on a hard disk
> temporarily connected to the host).  A script file with a list of
> bz2 files takes care of that.
> So, to produce these bz2 files in the first place I do before 
> executing
> the instructions to build a package:
> pushd /
> find . > before
> popd
> After one package is built I do:
> pushd /
> find . > after
> diff before after > packageName.contents
> popd
> And then a bit of grep on the .contents file gives the names of
> the files that were installed.  This is then fed into tar:
> tar -T packageName.contents -cjf packageName-bin.tar.bz2
> All system configuration steps are scripted and can be 'replayed'
> according to a main configuration file after the unpackaing of all bz2
> files.
> This system is quite basic and could be extended.  For instance the
> script to do any basic configuration for a package could be 
> stored into
> the archive and replayed after unpacking.
> Hope this gives you some ideas.

Yes, it does. Thanks

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