Am Samstag, den 05.04.2014, 16:41 -0500 schrieb Bruce Dubbs:
> Working with systemd, there seem to be lots of "learning" issues.
> I was trying to watch the boot sequence and the screen clears and I get 
> a login prompt.  How to disable clearing the screen?  Well that's simple 
> enough:
> mkdir -p /etc/systemd/system/getty@tty1.service.d
> cat > /etc/systemd/system/getty@tty1.service.d/noclear.conf < EOF
> [service]
> TTYVTDisallocate=no

So you finally managed to start discovering all the real and fancy
benefits of systemd. It has been really time now that a system comes up
which forces the user to figure out how to deal with the login prompt
again. Think about what else you could do in this time this new stuff
prevents you from. Thanks the lord, otherwise you could even go meet
friends and have a nice weekend. Ah, by default or not (i don't know),
systemd ignores the /tmp mointpoint in fstab and handle it by itself
somehow. It was overdue that something comes up which spread everything
cross over the machine away from the places it alway has been. Too long
we where stuck in /etc/fstab. Too long all the systems has simply
worked. Next you will find a challenge to tell journalctl not immediatly
end to command line when Ctrl-C has been given to end live-log-mode. The
oldfashion "less" does that, but this pager worked well for too long,
its time to do it in a new way. That's all real benefical stuff to deal
with, proper invested time...

Error: tag </sarcasm> without opening tag

Sorry about that, but I still think it was one of the worst moves LFS
has ever done. But it seems that I'm the only one thinking that way and
facing that, it seems that I'm too old now for that shit^H^H^Htuff.

I believe giving the user the option between systemd and sysvinit is
brilliant and in times systemd seems to become more popular (for
whatever reason) simply consequent and valid. But I really do not
understand the point in having both in parallel on the machine. The
option should apply to the build time.

Anyway, lets see the future will bring...
Good luck!

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