On Tue, Mar 25, 2014 at 9:47 AM, Bruce Dubbs <bruce.du...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Armin K. wrote:
>> On 03/25/2014 05:22 PM, Bruce Dubbs wrote:
>>> I've been looking at systemd and had a thought that perhaps both could
>>> be put into a single LFS build.  Looking at the installed package
>>> contents in the books, I see the following name collisions:
>>> systemd  sysvinit eudev
>>>                     udevd
>>> udevadm           udevadm
>>> halt     halt
>>> init     init
>>> poweroff poweroff
>>> reboot   reboot
>>> runlevel runlevel
>>> shutdown shutdown
>>> telinit  telinit
>>> I don't know if udevd is missing from the systemd page or is really not
>>> installed when doing a systemd build, but I suspect it has just been
>>> omitted from the page.
>> It's named systemd-udevd and it's installed in /lib/systemd.
> Ah, yes.  The change in name seems unnecessary, but I remember now.  A
> symlink might be appropriate if this approach turns out to be feasible.
>    -- Bruce
>>> In any case, this cursory look indicates to me that both could be
>>> installed with custom names and a script written to swap the names and
>>> reboot to the desired system.  I also suspect a sysV initialization
>>> could use the systemd version of udev and eudev would not be necessary.
>>> I have not looked at boot scripts or possibly different build options in
>>> other programs, but wanted to throw out the idea for comments.
> --
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Certainly enough interest in both init systems, where I would not want
one or the other removed.  and either a symlink to /sbin/init, or
init=/sbin/init.systemd [if it existed] from grub would handle that.

Only issue I can see is that it can be a bit confusing installing both
including configuration files, and not sure if you would want
/etc/init.d populated with the lfs-bootscripts when booting up
systemd,  as I think systemd can use init.d scripts during boot.

(Skipping all the problems, it would be nice to see a single source
for updates to the LFS system and conformity between the 2 books.
When updating my scripts, I watch both LFS and LFS-systemd commits
[about 178 messages behind so far])

Nathan Coulson (conathan)
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