Le 05/03/2014 22:55, William Harrington a écrit :
> On Mar 5, 2014, at 3:09 PM, MENGUAL Jean-Philippe wrote:
>> We are now unable to release at the same time, synchronously,
>> because unable to understand the revisions, branches, and fuzzy commit
>> reports.
> CLFS and LFS can't release at the same time. We have different
> audiences and the target releases are more complex.
> We also have different packages.

oh I don't say this. I say "synchronous" between the upstream and the 
translation, not between clfs and lfs, which have their own life. But 
with latest clfs, we realised it was released about 2 weeks later and 
the time to translate, that is to find where stable stops and where 
stops before new dev rerease, it took a long time. Yes, because we don't 
know git enough, but it was really hard. And not synchronous at all. :(


> Sincerely,
> William Harrington

Jean-Philippe MENGUAL
Coadministrateur du projet absolinux
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