On Tue, Mar 04, 2014 at 11:37:32AM -0600, William Harrington wrote:
> On Mar 4, 2014, at 10:43 AM, Bruce Dubbs wrote:
> > eudev wants gperf and gtk-doc.  We could add gperf to LFS and probably
> > do away with both gperf and the gudev build in BLFS.  gtk-doc needs
> > several other prerequisites and is not a candidate for LFS, but I  
> > don't
> > think that's needed.
> In CLFS we use Eudev up to v 1.4 and that doesn't require gperf and  
> gtk-doc.
> http://dev.gentoo.org/~blueness/eudev/
> Grab the tarballs from there.
> Sincerely,
> William Harrington

 I've been using that version with LFS-7.5, so thanks for putting it
in clfs - much easier to find the released version by looking in
your book than by trying to find a working link from google ;-)
Unfortunately, like many github projects, eudev doesn't go out of its
way to point to released tarballs.  Also, I think I now use your
command switches.

 When systemd swallowed udev, I initially tried a separate
stand-alone udev, but eudev seems to have gained a sufficient number
of maintainers who are prepared to look at what is happening in
systemd and decide whether or not to use any of each change.  I
don't always agree with their judgement (specifically, they took
systemd's mysterious naming of the ethernet port), but it all seems
to work well enough.

 There was a suggestion in the past few months that 'tree' was
needed for the eudev testsuite, but it doesn't seem to add anything
for me so I've now dropped it.

 I built eudev in LFS-7.5 chroot like this:

1. it doesn't seem to need the symlinks for the blkid and uuid
headers, nor the library path.

2. create directories
install -dv /lib/{firmware,udev/devices/pts}

3. configure
./configure --prefix=/usr --sysconfdir=/etc \
 --with-rootprefix="" --libdir=/usr/lib \
 --with-firmware-path=/usr/lib/firmware \
 --with-rootlibdir=/lib --exec-prefix="/" \
 --enable-split-usr --enable-libkmod --enable-rule-generator \
 --disable-static --disable-introspection \
 --disable-gudev --disable-keymap

4. make : it looks as if multiple make works, at least in LFS
(I see that my rebuild in BLFS for gudev still has -j1, never got
around to confirming that -jN works there).

5. create directories to allow the tests to work in an empty system:
mkdir -pv /etc/udev/rules.d
mkdir -pv /lib/udev/rules.d

6. the tests:
make check

 This reports that both tests passed.  I am uncertain if the first
test actually does anything (its log is empty, even in BLFS - I found
a suggestion that Python was needed, but that made no difference),
unless python3 was what was meant (they are gentoo devs, so I guess
that is a possibility) but the second test is the old perl script of
135 tests which date back to udev.  Their detailed output is in
test/udev-test.pl.log, I find it reassuring to save that file.

7. install, create a /sbin/udevd symlink for the LFS bootscripts,
update the hardware db (I've still no idea what that is for) and in
my case ensure that my wired nic is called eth0:

make install
ln -svf /sbin/udevd /lib/udev
udevadm hwdb --update
echo "# dummy, so that network is once again on eth0" \

 For BLFS, I rebuild it after Xorg on desktops to get gudev : gperf
is already present, so I just omit --disable-gudev (I don't need
keymap for a normal keyboard, nor introspection in my normal build -
but I did remove --disable-introspection to build the gir stuff when
I was building for gnome packages.

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