Le 02/03/2014 21:00, akhiezer a écrit :
>> Date: Sun, 02 Mar 2014 12:36:34 -0600
>> From: Bruce Dubbs <bruce.du...@gmail.com>
>> To: LFS Developers Mailinglist <lfs-dev@linuxfromscratch.org>
>> Subject: Re: [lfs-dev] Are we ready for LFS-7.5?
>> After a fairly extensive discussion, I've update the host system 
>> requirements page in svn:
>> http://www.linuxfromscratch.org/lfs/view/development/prologue/hostreqs.html
>> I considered an erratum, but we really don't want to be put in the 
>> position of having to bring it forward for each release.
>> What I have is a compromise.  I added the note under gcc and added the 
>> final few lines in the script.  I believe that the combination addresses 
>> the slackware problem.
>> If I do not hear anything that needs adjustments in the next few hours, 
>> I will release the current svn as LFS-7.5 stable.
> In the gcc text-section:
> --
> * s/have can be/can be/  ?
> * s@look in /usr/lib for @look in /usr/lib (or /usr/lib64) for @  ?
> * s|Either all three should be present or absent, but not only one or 
> two.|Either all three should be present or absent, in the same directory, but 
> not only one or two.|  ?
>   This part addresses multilib hosts, where /usr/lib and /usr/lib64 are 
> present.
> --
> Pierre: double-check: are you OK with the 'all three present' part?
Sorry, been out for Sunday...

I think host's libmpc.la files are not used, so only libmpfr.la and libgmp.la
matter. The matrix of results is that found by Hazel Russman in December:
roughly, the build only fails when libmpfr.la is there and libgmp.la isn't.
(can be tested on LFS if you remove just libgmp.la)

But the wording in host requirements (r10496) looks OK to me. I do not think
we should go into too much details. If users do as much test as Hazel Russman,
they may complain that it is not exact, but sure it allows the build to succeed.

I've begun digging into the gcc tree, to see if it is possible to avoid using
host's .la files. I guess we'll find that each configure in each subdirectory
generates its own version of libtool, so it might be somewhat difficult to
change them all. Actually, only the mpc one is giving trouble, so will work on
this one first.

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