The commit for -rc1 was on Feb 16. Since then there have been text changes plus the following:
Update kmod to install man pages properly. Delete symlinks in /usr and add /usr/libexec. Add a patch for glibc FHS issues. There is also ticket #3705. It really looks like a user error to me, but I'm inclined to not address it now and add an erratum later if necessary. BLFS is not yet read and will take a few more days to get the 30 or so packages not yet tested done. So the questions is whether we should release 7.5 tomorrow or not. We could wait for BLFS, but I'm not sure that's really necessary. Note: I predicted 4-6 new LFS packages released during the package freeze. I underestimated. There are seven, but the kernel, man-pages, grep, and systemd have all had two releases in the last two weeks. -- Bruce -- FAQ: Unsubscribe: See the above information page