akhiezer wrote:
>> Date: Wed, 26 Feb 2014 12:44:19 -0600
>> From: Bruce Dubbs <bruce.du...@gmail.com>
>> To: LFS Developers Mailinglist <lfs-dev@linuxfromscratch.org>
>> Subject: Re: [lfs-dev] gcc pass 1/2 instructions re mpfr/gmp/mpc.
>>>>> Does gcc pass1 & pass2 instructions need '--with-gmp...' (possibly also
>>>>> '--with-mpc...') configure options (re-)added, or have mpfr/gmp/mpc listed
>>>>> in the book's general host-requirements ('prologue/hostreqs.html') ?
>>>> Both gcc pass1 and pass2 extract gmp, mpfr and mpc into the gcc source
>>>> tarball before starting the build. They get built in the gcc build
>>>> process that way.
>>> Yeah, that was broadly folks' 'carried-along' understanding: but per thread
>>> details, it seems maybe not - and seems that gcc was looking into host-os;
>>> and if mpc not present in host-os - or moved-aside as a debug-test of
>>> the issue - then gcc pass build fails; & iirc similarly for at least
>>> mpfr; & iiuic/iirc that's at least partly why configure gets told those
>>> '--with-...' details.
>> I don't see sufficient details into what caused the problem.  What is
>> the distro?  What is the hardware?  Are the host system requirements
>> met?  What is the version of gcc on the host?
> Per thread (tho' yes, a lot of info to wade through there - a lot of
> good detail):
> --
> slackware-14.0
> x86_64
> host-gcc: 4.7.1
> --
> Host-Req: not sure if checked explicitly; ref below. (OP double-checked
> all-OK section 4.4 (ref eml 25/oct) per your email of 22/oct.)
> Init problem was caused by OP (Hazel Russman) doing a non-'full' install
> and instead selecting packages, and omitted gmp. But then went back and
> did full install and could reproduce the problem: ref Hazel's email (on
> lfs-support) of Tues 17 Dec - the one where she gives the '2x2 matrix'
> of tests+results. Full-install slackware 14.0 64-bit and slackware 14.1
> 64-bit, satisfy host-sys-req for lfs-7.4 ; haven't checked for lfs-7.5-rc.

I'm not sure I understand.  Does that mean that slackware builds gcc 
4.7.1 without one or more of mpc, gmp, and mpfr?

Reading the message on Dec 17, it seems that the host had mpfr but not 
gmp.  I think I'd suggest just deleting or renaming libgmp.la on the 
host.  Stupid libtool.

   -- Bruce
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