> Date: Wed, 05 Feb 2014 14:00:05 +0000 > From: lf...@cruziero.com (akhiezer) > To: LFS Developers Mailinglist <lfs-dev@linuxfromscratch.org> > Subject: Re: [lfs-dev] Looking for volunteers > > > Date: Tue, 04 Feb 2014 06:33:44 +0200 > > From: "Gregory H. Nietsky" <gregniet...@gmail.com> > > To: lfs-dev@linuxfromscratch.org > > Subject: Re: [lfs-dev] Looking for volunteers > > > > > > |bzr branch http://bzr.linuxfoundation.org/lsb/devel/fhs-spec| <- this > > is the ticket > > > > Here is a cooked pdf from the bzr repository for those intrested. > > ftp://101oxford.smartdns.co.za/fhs.pdf (.txt is avail too) > > > > built from rev 51 Fri 2012-01-20 16:42:31 -0500 > > > > ftp://101oxford.smartdns.co.za/fhs_log.txt <- bzr log output > > > > Greg > > > > On 02/04/14 01:37, Bruce Dubbs wrote: > > > akhiezer wrote: > > >>> Date: Mon, 03 Feb 2014 15:25:32 -0600 > > >>> From: Bruce Dubbs <bruce.du...@gmail.com> > > >>> To: LFS Developers Mailinglist <lfs-dev@linuxfromscratch.org> > > >>> Subject: [lfs-dev] Looking for volunteers > > >>> > > >>> I just became aware of a beta version of the FHS. > > >>> > > >>> http://www.linuxbase.org/betaspecs/fhs/fhs.txt > > >>> > > >>> Although it's dated August 2011, it's a lot newer than the one we have > > >>> been referencing (about 2004). For instance the newer one dicusses > > >>> /run and the older one does not. > > >>> > > >> > > >> Hmmm, that link takes here to the jan-28th-2004 version (in several > > >> formats). > > >> Where d'you see the '2011' string there? > > > I didn't see the 2011 string, but it does have 3.15. /run : Run-time > > > variable data which is not in the 2004 version. > > > > > >> There is, on front-page of www.linuxbase.org , two links to FHS stuff, > > >> one > > >> to 3.0 draft 1 (aug 16 2011), and one a call for participation (april 27 > > >> 2011). > > >> > > >> (Also for anyone doing diff, could be useful for them to get exact url of > > >> what doc you're currently basing-off). > > > We have been using http://www.pathname.com/fhs/pub/fhs-2.3.html > > > > > > OK; am having a look at this just now - doesn't look like very many changes > in the fhs docs; init report &c to follow. >
Here's that report, below. rgds, akh ------------------------------ Start of Report ------------------------------ Possible Use by B/LFS, of FHS Changes from FHS Version 2.3 to Most-Recent FHS ('FHS 3.0 Draft 1'). 20140210 (10/feb/2014) #### #========= # Overview: #========= Most-recent formal release of FHS is version 2.3, released on 29/jan/2004 (20040129). In 2011, work was begun towards a new version. A draft was released on 16/aug/2011 (20110816), called 'FHS 3.0 Draft 1' . There appears to be no further commits/revisions to the project after that date, other than two commits on 20/jan/2012 (20120120) concerning generating txt/html/pdf versions of the document from the xml source. B/LFS currently uses FHS version 2.3 as its most-recent FHS reference. It's now wanted to see if B/LFS wants to use any of the changes made between FHS version 2.3, and version 'FHS 3.0 Draft 1' . #### #===================== # FHS Old/New Websites: #===================== Previous home of FHS: http://www.pathname.com/fhs/ Current main page for fhs appears to be: http://www.linuxfoundation.org/collaborate/workgroups/lsb/fhs But it doesn't link directly to the v3.0-draft1 work, and has a broken link to 'version control repository', and so on; see below for proper link, and some notes re messiness. The FHS material at its 'new-home' at linuxfoundation.org , is a bit messy - broken links, mazes, (wiki), statements with implied dates attached (but not the date that one might reasonably expect), slightly different versions of what is billed in separate places as apparently the same (web-)page, and so on; the sort of thing that one commonly sees in long-ish stalled projects &/or from sizeable 'organisations'. Version 2.3 can be obtained from either of the aforenoted old-/new- FHS homes: -- http://refspecs.linuxfoundation.org/fhs.shtml http://www.pathname.com/fhs/ -- Version '3.0 Draft 1' can be obtained via: http://www.linuxfoundation.org/collaborate/workgroups/lsb/fhs-30-draft-1 On that page, the link, "You can see it here: http://dev.linuxfoundation.org/~licquia/fhs-3.0-drafts/" , is just to a subset of derived formats (txt, html, &c). The source is via the next link, "Source code is available from our Bazaar repository here: http://bzr.linuxfoundation.org/loggerhead/lsb/devel/fhs-spec" NB to treat the rendered formats (txt/html/pdf/...) with some caution - e.g. those obtained via: -- (ver. '3.0 Draft 1'): http://www.linuxbase.org/betaspecs/fhs/ (ver. 2.3): http://www.pathname.com/fhs/ (ver. 2.3): http://refspecs.linuxfoundation.org/fhs.shtml -- For, they often differ from the supposedly equivalent files generated from src Makefiles. Layouts differ (e.g. indentation, flowing of text), (pseudo-)random ID codes get generated and embedded throughout, different 'bullet' symbols get used for list items, utf-8 may be used instead of ascii, or vice versa, and so on. All of which make doing diffs &c really quite ... 'awkward'. Also, the '3.0 Draft 1' txt/html items, in the docs themselves and in their website download areas, don't give any reasonably upfront indication - e.g. via version numbers, 'release'/revision dates, changelogs, copyright/licence notices - that they are version '3.0 Draft 1'; and instead look just like the ver 2.3 docs in those respects. Given the above-noted messiness, we were careful to cross-check things where possible, and not take things for granted. As is often the case in such situations, things become a bit clearer with the src. #========================== # FHS '3.0 Draft 1' Src/RCS: #========================== As said, the '3.0 Draft 1' project's rcs is at: http://bzr.linuxfoundation.org/loggerhead/lsb/devel/fhs-spec The src for '3.0 Draft 1' appears to be in good order. A main exception is that the 'ChangeLog' is still more-or-less the same as the 2.3 version; i.e. it doesn't include entries for the full set of revisions since 2.3 . Some projects do only update the 'ChangeLog' file at release time; and during development just use the rcs comments as a working changelog. But here, there _are_ some early changes made to the ChangeLog file; but none beyond that, and certainly not covering the full set of revisions since 2.3 . The index-lists of individual commits (newest first, 20 per page) are at: -- http://bzr.linuxfoundation.org/loggerhead/lsb/devel/fhs-spec/changes/51?start_revid=51 http://bzr.linuxfoundation.org/loggerhead/lsb/devel/fhs-spec/changes/31?start_revid=51 http://bzr.linuxfoundation.org/loggerhead/lsb/devel/fhs-spec/changes/11?start_revid=51 -- Currently there are 51 commits. Each commit has its own page with two tabs - where 'n' is the commit/revision number: == http://bzr.linuxfoundation.org/loggerhead/lsb/devel/fhs-spec/revision/${n} http://bzr.linuxfoundation.org/loggerhead/lsb/devel/fhs-spec/files/${n} == NB that, in the usual way, these individual commit pages contain, inter alia, (at 1-/2- steps' remove) links to the full contents of the changed files, so that the user can see the changes in more context than just the diff. For each commit, the diff between the new and preceding revision, can be downloaded via: http://bzr.linuxfoundation.org/loggerhead/lsb/devel/fhs-spec/diff/${n} , where currently 'n' runs from 2 to 51 ; for n=1 you get essentially a 'null' diff - the 'n=1' commit is just the import of fhs-v2.3 . If downloaded via wget, then the local filename is just "${n}" . If the download is done manually via the 'download diff' link on an individual revision's page, then the downloaded filename is "${n}_${n-1}.diff" . However, the two versions of the file, namely the manual- & automated- download versions, are identical, at least for the few tested here. As one of our cross-checks, we applied the patches in sequence to v2.3 src, and compared the result with '3.0 Draft 1' src: it matched exactly. We also used the '3.0 Draft 1' Makefile to try to generate the full set of txt/html/pdf formats: it worked straightforwardly-OK, and the results look OK. We then compared the outputted files with those available via 'http://www.linuxbase.org/betaspecs/fhs/' : the latter doesn't have pdf, but does have txt (utf-8), html (all-on-one-page), and html-chunked (a dirtree of html docs, approx one per section/chapter in doc - usual stuff). As noted, the diffs are slightly problematic due to 'behind-the-scenes' formatting data: but on stripping that out, the essential content of the two sets of docs - excluding the pdf format, that we don't have an upstream version to compare against - matched exactly. So, we'd say that the '3.0 Draft 1' src + Makefile work OK together. #### #=============================== # List of Revisions and Comments: #=============================== The following is a list of the revisions, with for each revision a brief note on whether it's likely to affect b/lfs or not. We don't specify exactly which pages in b/lfs would perhaps need changing, as that is best left to those active developers who have the up-to-speed knowledge of the (fine(r)) details of how b/lfs interacts with fhs. The notes often paraphrase and summarise the revisions: this of course takes the revisions out of context; we have tried to retain and not distort said context, and not be misleading - but do bear in mind that they are out-of-context summaries; the upstream revisions and src, give the (more-)correct and full(er) context. Also note that we are here, for the purposes of this report, relating opinions and decisions of the FHS authors/contributors/&c as-is, hopefully objectively, and without adding our own more-subjective commentary: we are not necessarily advocating or agreeing with the fhs decisions, contents, &c. The list is in order of most-recent revision (i.e. highest-numbered) first. ---- Key: -- line 1: upstream Revision number. line 2: upstream Revision summary-comment. line 3: upstream Revision date (yyyy-mm-dd). line 4: local (akh/cz) date and summary-comment. line 5 et seq (if any): local (akh/cz) further comments. These 'further comments' sometimes include, for convenience, a direct link to the upstream revision's own web page. ---- ---- 51 Make xmlto args work with both old *and* new versions. 2012-01-20 ##cz20140209## OK; no action reqd for b/lfs. Is just re Makefile for rendering FHS xml-src in other formats (txt/html/pdf/&c). ---- 50 Make xmlto args compatible with older xmlto. 2012-01-20 ##cz20140209## OK; no action reqd for b/lfs. Is just re Makefile for rendering FHS xml-src in other formats (txt/html/pdf/&c). ---- 49 Add /usr/share/ppd. (bug 805) 2011-08-16 ##cz20140209## Might want to adjust b/lfs. Ref: http://bzr.linuxfoundation.org/loggerhead/lsb/devel/fhs-spec/revision/49 Adds optional /usr/share/ppd dir(tree) for printer description ('PostScript Printer Definition') files. ---- 48 Simplify boot requirements. (bug 801) 2011-08-16 ##cz20140209## Might want to adjust b/lfs. Ref: http://bzr.linuxfoundation.org/loggerhead/lsb/devel/fhs-spec/revision/48 Some changes of emphasis on what goes where re boot files. ---- 47 Remove reference to window manager rc files in /etc/X11. 2011-08-16 ##cz20140209## Might want to adjust b/lfs. Ref: http://bzr.linuxfoundation.org/loggerhead/lsb/devel/fhs-spec/revision/47 Removed two recommendations: one about naming & locating '*wmrc' files under /etc/X11 ; and the other about naming window-manager subdirs under /etc/X11 . ---- 46 Remove /usr/bin/mh. 2011-08-16 ##cz20140209## OK; no action reqd for b/lfs. I.e. 'mh' as in 'MH mail handling system (optional)'. ---- 45 Fix little wording issue pointed out by Mats. 2011-08-16 ##cz20140209## OK; no action reqd for b/lfs. ---- 44 Add /usr/libexec. (bug 101) 2011-08-16 ##cz20140209## Might want to adjust b/lfs. Ref: http://bzr.linuxfoundation.org/loggerhead/lsb/devel/fhs-spec/revision/44 Formally introduces /usr/libexec in FHS, as optional; acknowledges earlier common usage outwith FHS; and doesn't deprecate continued use of /usr/lib for libexec-type material. Therefore, guess that b/lfs likely has this covered. ---- 43 More POSIX shell tweaks, plus a fix to a validity bug. 2011-08-15 ##cz20140209## OK; no action reqd for b/lfs. ---- 42 Tweaks to Karl's POSIX shell patch. 2011-08-15 ##cz20140209## OK; no action reqd for b/lfs. ---- 41 Fix Bourne shell references to refer to POSIX instead. 2011-08-15 ##cz20140209## OK; no action reqd for b/lfs. Just changes to more-generic terminology: 'Bourne shell' to 'POSIX compatible shell'; and likewise the 'bash' and 'C-shell' examples get replaced with generic-worded versions. Note that this substituting has left the now-incorrect wording "The default system and user shells interpreters are already [...]": that gets corrected in revision 42. ---- 40 Clear up status of /usr/lib/sendmail and /usr/sbin/sendmail. 2011-08-15 ##cz20140209## Might want to adjust b/lfs. Ref: http://bzr.linuxfoundation.org/loggerhead/lsb/devel/fhs-spec/revision/40 Probably not needed for b/lfs. Just takes the prev requirement '/usr/lib/sendmail -> /usr/sbin/sendmail (if the latter exists)', and generalises it slightly for systems with sendmail-compatible MTA. ---- 39 Add color management directories (bug 77). 2011-08-15 ##cz20140209## Might want to adjust b/lfs. Ref: http://bzr.linuxfoundation.org/loggerhead/lsb/devel/fhs-spec/revision/39 Prescriptions for dirs '/usr/share/color', '/usr/local/share/color', and '/var/lib/color' . ---- 38 Remove lib64 restrictions; not used in practice by many grou... 2011-07-01 ##cz20140209## OK; no action reqd for b/lfs. Just removes some perhaps-overly-prescriptive stuff re lib64/lib32/lib . ---- 37 Tweaks to /run suggested by Lennart Poettering. 2011-07-01 ##cz20140209## OK; no action reqd for b/lfs. I'd expect that all of the items are already now implemented in b/lfs. (Note that the text 'it is a major security problem if any user can write in this directory' is still ambiguous: should really, in the context, read s'thing like '... unprivileged user ...' .) ---- 36 Implement /run, and deprecate /var/run. 2011-07-01 ##cz20140209## OK; no action reqd for b/lfs. I'd expect that all of the items are already now implemented in b/lfs. (NB that the text doesn't anywhere actually say _why_ shift from /var/run to /run ; am not asking what those reasons are - just noting that the new fhs text doesn't say it.) (NB also that the tortured and wrong "unwritable for unprivileged users (root or users running daemons)" is corrected in revision 37, above.) ---- 35 Add reference to XDG and GLib for home directories (bug 788)... 2011-06-28 ##cz20140209## OK; no action reqd for b/lfs. Just adds brief note: "A number of efforts have been made to standardize the layout of home directories, including the XDG Base Directories specification [...] and the GLib conventions on user directory contents. [...] ." ---- 34 Remove obsolete refs to XFree86. Patch from bug 772. 2011-06-21 ##cz20140209## OK; no action reqd for b/lfs. Just a few more pieces of transition from XFree86 to Xorg: 'Xconfig' & 'XF86Config', -vs- 'xorg.conf' . ---- 33 Fix validity error in previous patch. 2011-06-21 ##cz20140209## OK; no action reqd for b/lfs. Just xml-src tidying (re project Makefile's 'make valid', 'xmllint --valid ...', &c). ---- 32 Get rid of /usr/X11R6 and /usr/bin/X11. Patch from bug 73. 2011-06-21 ##cz20140209## Might want to adjust b/lfs. Ref: http://bzr.linuxfoundation.org/loggerhead/lsb/devel/fhs-spec/revision/32 * Removes specific references to 'X11R6', all from xml-src-file 'usr.xml'; but leaves a few references in 'var.xml', that are still present in current (immediate-post-revision-51) xml-src. * Removes requirement for '/usr/lib/X11' symlink, and implies it should not be present: but then (~14 lines later) makes an adjustment ( s|/usr/X11R6/lib/X11|/usr/lib/X11| ) that adds it to an existing comment re global config files; and that is still present in current (immediate-post-revision-51) xml-src. ---- 31 Prefer Unicode for /usr/share/dict; add Unicode examples to ... 2011-06-16 ##cz20140209## Might want to adjust b/lfs. Ref: http://bzr.linuxfoundation.org/loggerhead/lsb/devel/fhs-spec/revision/31 Now recommends unicode instead of non-unicode, for some dict(ionary) and man-page stuff. ---- 30 Attempt to handle executables in /etc better. (bug 58) 2011-06-15 ##cz20140209## OK; no action reqd for b/lfs. Just adds a line noting what is meant by 'binaries' re 'no (executable) binaries in /etc' . ---- 29 Tweak the rationale for root fs requirements. (bug 56) 2011-06-15 ##cz20140209## OK; no action reqd for b/lfs. Tho', the changed material does slightly reinforce the recommendation to have (or 'leaning towards having') a 'separate /' partition. ---- 28 Add section in Linux annex for /sys. (bug 53) 2011-06-14 ##cz20140209## Might want to adjust b/lfs. Ref: http://bzr.linuxfoundation.org/loggerhead/lsb/devel/fhs-spec/revision/28 One-para description of /sys . ---- 27 Remove details regarding ext2 utils and LILO. (bugs 50 and ... 2011-06-14 ##cz20140209## Might want to adjust b/lfs. Ref: http://bzr.linuxfoundation.org/loggerhead/lsb/devel/fhs-spec/revision/27 Removes specific reference to 'additional' mke2fs & lilo stuff going into /sbin, and instead just has a generic phrase about 'commands relating to filesystem maintenance and boot loader management' going into /sbin . ---- 26 Clarify differences between /srv and /var/lib (bug 42). 2011-06-14 ##cz20140209## Might want to adjust b/lfs. Ref: http://bzr.linuxfoundation.org/loggerhead/lsb/devel/fhs-spec/revision/26 Just reinforces/clarifies that, for 'var/lib'-type of data: /var/lib is for stuff where the directory and file structure of the data (that is under /var/lib) is not exposed to ordinary users; /srv is for system-wide stuff that _is_ exposed to ordinary users; and data that is only of interest to a specific user should go in that users' home directory. ---- 25 Add docbook-xsl stylesheet to the project, and use it for PD... 2011-06-14 ##cz20140209## OK; no action reqd for b/lfs. More wrestling with rendering of xml-src &c. ---- 24 Merge from upstream. 2011-06-14 ##cz20140209## OK; no action reqd for b/lfs. Just makefile stuff to get rendered copies (txt/html/pdf/&c) working better. ---- 23 Clarify /usr/share/misc/magic (bug 39). 2011-06-14 ##cz20140209## Might want to adjust b/lfs. Ref: http://bzr.linuxfoundation.org/loggerhead/lsb/devel/fhs-spec/revision/23 Two items, one not specific to 'file'/'magic': * (general): Applications using only a single file under /usr/share, may use /usr/share/misc dir rather than the usual application-specific subdir under /usr/share ; and similarly for /usr/local/share , for applications installed 'locally'. (Maybe re {usb,pci}.ids ?). * ('file'/'magic'): if 'file' installs some auxiliary stuff under /usr/share/file dir (as modern variants of 'file' do), then rather than using the old single-file '/usr/share/misc/magic', one can create optional compat symlink /usr/share/misc/magic -> /usr/share/file/magic . ---- 22 Fix dependencies on chunked HTML generation. 2011-05-26 ##cz20140209## OK; no action reqd for b/lfs. ---- 21 Fix PDF generation, and create build documentation. 2011-05-26 ##cz20140209## OK; no action reqd for b/lfs. ---- 20 fix bug 62 (really this time) 2011-05-20 ##cz20140208## OK; no action reqd for b/lfs. Just multiple s/can not/cannot/ . ---- 19 a litle reorg in informal Attributions tracker 2011-05-19 ##cz20140208## OK; no action reqd for b/lfs. ---- 18 temporary fix for tag sync problem 2011-05-09 ##cz20140208## OK; no action reqd for b/lfs. Just internal xml/src plumbing. ---- 17 extend no-subdirs rule to more places (bug 48) 2011-05-09 ##cz20140208## Might want to adjust b/lfs. Ref: http://bzr.linuxfoundation.org/loggerhead/lsb/devel/fhs-spec/revision/17 "There must be no subdirectories in ": added /sbin, /usr/bin, and /usr/sbin to the list. ---- 16 grammar change (bug 57) 2011-05-09 ##cz20140208## OK; no action reqd for b/lfs. ---- 15 change to use removable (bug 102) 2011-05-06 ##cz20140208## OK; no action reqd for b/lfs. Just multiple 'typo' 'fixes' s/removeable/removable/ . ---- 14 add tile explanation for /usr/local/share (bug 427) 2011-05-06 ##cz20140208## OK; no action reqd for b/lfs. Commit comment should have s/tile/title/ : and revision just explains, "/usr/local/share : Local architecture-independent hierarchy" . ---- 13 undo requirement for /bin/gunzip as a link (bug 107) 2011-05-06 ##cz20140208## Might want to adjust b/lfs. Ref: http://bzr.linuxfoundation.org/loggerhead/lsb/devel/fhs-spec/revision/13 Don't need to have gunzip or zcat, if present, as symbolic or hard links to gzip. Bruce (Dubbs) is one of the folks attributed on this revision; so maybe already done in b/lfs. ---- 12 clarify required/opt subdirs of /etc (bug 59) 2011-05-06 ##cz20140208## OK; no action reqd for b/lfs. The change might look a bit messy, or not immediately clear, in xml-source: but it's just reinforcing that '/etc/opt' is required and that '/etc/{X11,sgml,xml}' are optional (only required if relevant subsystem is installed). ---- 11 remove contributor emails (bug 760) 2011-05-06 ##cz20140208## OK; no action reqd for b/lfs. ---- 10 typo (bug 327) 2011-05-06 ##cz20140208## OK; no action reqd for b/lfs. ---- 9 formatting fix (bug 764) 2011-05-06 ##cz20140208## OK; no action reqd for b/lfs. ---- 8 apply editing fixes for bugs 61, 62, 63, 65, 66 2011-05-06 ##cz20140208## OK; no action reqd for b/lfs. The long-ish list of example files, is the same as for prev-commit. ---- 7 close out bug 428 2011-05-06 ##cz20140208## OK; no action reqd for b/lfs. ---- 6 update bug links in changelog (mail list submission) 2011-05-06 ##cz20140208## OK; no action reqd for b/lfs. ---- 5 various noodlings on producing pdf 2011-05-05 ##cz20140208## OK; no action reqd for b/lfs. ---- 4 update list/contact info; draft.xml isn't part of spec so re... 2011-05-05 ##cz20140208## OK; no action reqd for b/lfs. ---- 3 polish 2011-05-05 ##cz20140208## OK; no action reqd for b/lfs. ---- 2 convert to xml 2011-05-05 ##cz20140208## OK; no action reqd for b/lfs. ---- 1 Initial commit of FHS 2.3. 2011-04-19 ##cz20140208## OK; no action reqd for b/lfs. ---- #### # Fin. # ## ------------------------------ End of Report ------------------------------ -- -- http://linuxfromscratch.org/mailman/listinfo/lfs-dev FAQ: http://www.linuxfromscratch.org/faq/ Unsubscribe: See the above information page