On Fri, Feb 07, 2014 at 03:06:52PM -0600, Bruce Dubbs wrote:
> In Chapter 6 we have:
> Note
> The instructions above don't create non-wide-character Ncurses libraries 
> since no package installed by compiling from sources would link against 
> them at runtime. If you must have such libraries because of some 
> binary-only application or to be compliant with LSB, build the package 
> again with the following commands:
> make distclean
> ./configure --prefix=/usr    \
>              --with-shared    \
>              --without-normal \
>              --without-debug  \
>              --without-cxx-binding
> make sources libs
> cp -av lib/lib*.so.5* /usr/lib
> Does that help?

 Thanks - I didn't scroll down far enough.

> BTW, without the above, we do have /usr/lib/libncurses.a.  Shouldn't 
> shouldn't that be picked up?
>    -- Bruce
 You should know me by now - disable static libs when I can, and
hide the rest of them ;-)

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