Michael Uleysky wrote:
> 2014-02-03 Bruce Dubbs <bruce.du...@gmail.com>:
>> Michael Uleysky wrote:
>>> 2014-02-03 Bruce Dubbs <bruce.du...@gmail.com>:
>>>> I am getting ready to change the iana file installation in LFS.  The
>>>> procedure will be to download:
>> http://anduin.linuxfromscratch.org/sources/LFS/lfs-packages/conglomeration/iana-etc/iana-files-1.0.tar.xz
>>>> After unpacking the install will be:
>>>> install -m644 -u root -g root services protocols /etc
>>>> install -m744 -u root -g root update* /usr/sbin
>>> I add a simple Makefile for this.
>> Why add a Makefile for such a simple install?
>>>> Two executable scripts are installed, update-iana-protocols and
>>>> update-iana-services.  These scripts create /usr/share/iana-etc if it
>>>> does not exist and use wget (not available in LFS) to get the upstream
>>>> xml files.  The scripts then parse the xml files and update
>>>> /etc/protocols and /etc/services as appropriate.
>>>> As I write this, I'm thinking that the header of the installed files
>>>> should perhaps also read:
>>>> # To update this file, use the update-iana-<file> script.
>>> Also include in my patch.
>>>> We might also want to just number the tarball iana-files-1.tar.xz and
>>>> increment the number as needed without major/minor versions.
>>> May be iana-files-$DATE_OF_UPDATE.tar.xz?
>> Seems to be overkill since the only time I foresee this changing is if
>> the upstream xml format changes.  We have been using files since 2006
>> and this is the first time it has come up.
> Ok, I agree with it.
>>> Other tweaks can be made. Please let me know what you think.
>> I create a patch with some additions:
>> 1) Simple Makefile for installation. I think, we must also include source
>> protocol-numbers.xml and service-names-port-numbers.xml in installation.
> I thought about that, but why is it needed?  It's not in the old tarball
>> and we've never needed it.  I'm not completely against this though.
> For me is much simple to type make; make install than type long install
> bla-bla-bla strings. Make is just more familiar.
> Old iana-etc have a Makefile.
>>> 2) I add an option "restore" for update scripts. With this option
>> services
>>> and protocols will be regenerated from backup xml files.
>> Again, this seems to be overkill.  The tarball has the needed files if
>> that is needed.  Generally the files are just in /etc and don't often
>> change.  The only update we've ever needed is to change sunrpc to
>> rpcbind in the services file.
> It can be dangerous situation, if someone try to update and leave with
> unusable files because IANA changes format again. In this case restore will
> be useful.
> Another comment.  If we start adding options to the scripts, we need to
>> add at least a help option and perhaps man pages.  I'm trying to KISS
>> this change.
> I completely agree with you. My solution is not optimal and I also not very
> like it.

> Ok, do we really need such thing as update scripts, installed somewhere in
> the system? I think, not. So, lets just place protocols and services in
> /etc (we can do it without Makefile, of course) and leave update scripts
> only in the tarball for people who want update _before_ install. It is just
> a way as original iana-etc works. But in this case we need to set
> IANA_DIR=. and remove /etc in last two strings in scripts.

That's a good thought.  Then it's a one liner and we can let the user 
install the scripts as desired.

   -- Bruce

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