The texlive chapter needs some love WRT building from source and requires building asymptote seperately either in tree or standalone. i would suggest that the --enable-shared option become recommended as opposed to optional besides building the binaries from source "cause you can and its cool" recompiling static bins using shared libs that are common shared libs is a nice thing to do in most cases when building by default it links against libraries statically. 1)The "optional" components are not used unless --with-system-XXXX is specified when calling configure. --with-system-libgs --with-system-harfbuzz (Must be built with graphite2) --with-system-icu --with-system-teckit --with-system-graphite2 --with-system-zziplib --with-system-xpdf --with-system-poppler --with-system-cairo --with-system-pixman --with-system-gd --with-system-freetype2 --with-system-t1lib --with-system-libpng --with-system-zlib a gottcha with this is that when configure runs the first lib it cant find will cause it to fail checking any further so check the output of configure. the default behaviour is ALWAYS to build internal libs when building 2)CLISP is only required for building xindy this is not built by default and requires adding the following options --enable-xindy --enable-xindy-rules --enable-xindy-doc 3)Some "effort" can be saved setting the following _prefix is recomended as /opt/texlive however the installer will install to /opt/texlive/2013 use of /opt/texlive/2013 needs to specified as prefix if this is where the "binary" live version is installed. --prefix=_prefix (depends on install tl install) --includedir=/usr/include --libdir=/usr/(lib|lib64) --datarootdir=_prefix (not share to ensure compat with tl) --infodir=_prefix/texmf-dist/doc/info --mandir=_prefix/texmf-dist/doc/man --bindir=_prefix/bin/<ARCH-DIR as per tl> setting these options allows a "Clean" install over the existing tl distribution replacing the files or running find/replace scripts. likewise use of --includedir --libdir puts the shared libs in the system dir's on install. 4)Additional options i used --enable-etex --enable-shared --enable-ttf2pk2 --enable-xdv2pdf the following "base" options --disable-native-texlive-build (for building shared) --enable-mktextex-default and --with-banner-add (suggested for 3d party builds) complete the "options" asymptote -------------- In the utils directory there is a dir for asymptote it needs to be configured and built independantly of texlive ./configure --prefix=_prefix --enable-texlive-build --enable-gc=system --datarootdir=_prefix/texmf-dist \ --infodir=_prefix/texmf-dist/doc/info --mandir=_prefix/texmf-dist/doc/man use of --enable-gc=system is only to be used if gc is built with c++ support otherwise it will build a suitable gc in tree the options are crafted to merge this build into the tl tree with make install as with the core source above. a note could be added that a ls -lt _prefix/bin/<ARCH> will show any files not replaced at the bottom and should only contain some pre installed symlinks. -- FAQ: Unsubscribe: See the above information page