William Harrington wrote:
> On Feb 1, 2014, at 5:16 AM, Michael Uleysky wrote:
>> And about CLFS patches. First patch,  iana-etc-2.30-get_fix-1.patch,
>> correct only download url. It is not enough, because format of IANA
>> data also changed and services file can't be regenerated without
>> changes in scripts. Second patch is just a snapshot of IANA data on
>> 2012-06-08. I think, we may combine two ways in one: provide patches
>> on scripts for people living on the edge, and provide some snapshot
>> of data for regular use.
> We are most likely going to redo all of it and grab the xml files,
> create protocols.gawk and services.script which will be called from
> the make get target to use file=<services.xml> or <protocols.xml>
> files like Arch does. xz the patch and takes it to around 270KB and
> expands to about 3.7M. Leave the whole download section and note out
> of the page.

Did you see my proposal from yesterday?  It would only consist of three 
files (maybe four if a man page is created).  The procedure would be a 
couple of simple install commands.  No need for a Makefile or separate 
gawk files.  The gawk scripts are embedded in the bash file.

Sometimes it's easier to start over rather than fix an ancient, 
out-of-date procedures.

What I did was one short bash script for both protocols and services, 
but that could be easily split into two: update-iana-services and 

   -- Bruce

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