Pierre Labastie wrote: > Reading the new instructions, it seems to me that in case /dev/shm is > not a link, and /dev is not a tmpfs (could be the case on old or custom > distros), then $LFS/dev/shm is a disk directory, instead of a tmpfs. > > Of course, it is possible that right now, nothing in LFS uses /dev/shm, > but who knowswhat may happen later? > > I suggest changing the last instructions on the "6.2. Preparing Virtual > KernelFile Systems" to: > > if [ -h $LFS/dev/shm ]; then > mkdir -pv $LFS/$(readlink $LFS/dev/shm) > else > mount -vt tmpfs shm $LFS/dev/shm > fi
That seems to be overkill to me. Shared memory is the ability for two or more processes to share data. That is, a form of inter-process communication. The only possibility there is when running one of the test suites. I'm fairly sure that doesn't happen or that /dev/shm is cleaned up at the end of the test. I don't think we need to account for every possible host system. Of course when rebooting, the symlink does exist and is handled in the boot scripts. -- Bruce -- http://linuxfromscratch.org/mailman/listinfo/lfs-dev FAQ: http://www.linuxfromscratch.org/faq/ Unsubscribe: See the above information page