On Wed, Dec 11, 2013 at 3:13 PM, John Burrell <john_burr...@hotmail.com> wrote:
>>> Now I need to build binutils and make sure that it sees the correct
>>> toolchain -
>> You have it backwards. Binutils, then gcc, then glibc. Not glibc,
>> then binutils.
>> What exactly are you going after.
> It's an experiment. I wondered whether one could build the four core packages 
> in the order given in chapter 6, but not install them (i.e. store them as 
> package archives) until they're all built (using LFS as the platform for 
> this). These core packages could then be updated without the possibility of 
> LFS becoming unstable if there were to be a major version change in one of 
> these packages. i.e. one wouldn't have to build from scratch.
> That's why it's:
> 1) api-headers
> 2) glibc
> 3) binutils
> 4) gcc
> So glibc will be compiled using the headers from 1)
> binutils will be compiled with the headers and the libraries from 2)
> gcc will be compiled with what's available from 1),  2) and 3) plus anything 
> else it needs from the existing host (LFS in this case).
> I don't know, may be this is a daft thing to try but it's a good way for me 
> to understand how gcc gets all the locations of the files it needs. In the 
> above case, gcc needs to use all the libraries created by glibc, when it 
> compiles binutils. I haven't achieved that yet and may be it's not possible.  
> By using the specs file I can get gcc to use the headers from 1), the dynamic 
> linker from 2) and some of the other files from 2) but not all of them. For 
> e.g. gcc picks up libc.so.6 from /lib64 on LFS and not from the glibc 
> archive. I don't yet know how to control that or indeed if I can. I would 
> guess I need control of gcc's SEARCH _DIRs.
> jb.
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I did some path modifications to ld-library.so.2 and
ld-library-x86_64.so.2 in gcc at compiletime by modifiying
gcc/config/i386/linux64.h.  Not sure how appliable that is to your
situation (and I wanted to update that page, but away from home at the

Nathan Coulson (conathan)
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