On Sun, Nov 17, 2013 at 10:16:37PM +0100, Thomas Trepl wrote:
> Hmmm, here is what i get on a VIA-C3:
> lfs@io:~$ mount /mnt/pub
> lfs@io:~$ umount /mnt/pub
> umount.nfs: You are not permitted to unmount /mnt/pub
> lfs@io:~$ uname -a
> Linux io 3.11.6-LFS #1 SMP PREEMPT Mon Nov 4 03:30:14 CET 2013 i686 GNU/Linux
> lfs@io:~$ cat /etc/lfs-release 
> SVN-20131021
> lfs@io:~$ dir /sources/util*
> -rw-r--r-- 1 lfs users 3531936  2. Nov 13:40 /sources/util-linux-2.24.tar.xz
> The issue still seems to come up, even with utillinux-2.24 and on i686. Btw, 
> the /mnt/pub is defined in the /etc/fstab as
> himalia:/data/pub   /mnt/pub  nfs  _netdev,noauto,users,exec,defaults 0 0
> I've really no deep knowledge about the whole mount stuff but could it also 
> be 
> an issue in the nfs-utils package as this provides the umount.nfs tool? 
> Which file system types did you check ?
 ext4, because that's where I mostly _wish_ to umount.  I've now
tested vfat on a USB stick on both i686 (2.23.2) and x86_64 (2.24).

 But I get a similar message to you when I try to umount my user's
nfs (v3, tcp) files on i686 with 2.23.2 and also on x86_64 with
$umount docs/
umount: /home/ken/docs: umount failed: Operation not permitted

 But this is NOT the same as the error message 'mountpoint not
found' that I was actually referring to [ it's in the -support
thread, but I didn't mention that part here ].  Also, it isn't
something I've tried to do before, I'm not sure if it was ever
permitted by my setup :
milliways:/home/ken/docs /home/ken/docs nfs rw,hard,intr,noauto,tcp,user,vers=3 
0 0

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