Bruce Dubbs wrote:
> Pierre Labastie wrote:
>> Le 23/09/2013 18:10, Bruce Dubbs a écrit :
>>> On the pdf of the above, it measured KVM I/O at about 60% of the host.
>>> See pages 56-58.  That seems to be consistent with my results.
>> It is really amazing, because for the SBU benchmark, I consistently
>> get not more than
>> a 10 % increase of the timings with qemu. I tried also Arch Ubuntu on
>> the VM,
>> (everything -j1, with or without 'cache=writeback', on a qcow2 format.
>> On this host (core i5), I get 158 (+-2) s on the host and 170 (+-5) s
>> on the WM.
>> Both with -j1 of course.
>> Here is the qemu command I use:
>> /usr/bin/qemu-system-x86_64 \
>> -monitor stdio \
>> -smp 4 -cpu Nehalem \
>> -soundhw ac97 \
>> -k fr \
>> -enable-kvm \
>> -m 3915 \
>> -drive file=/mnt/virtualfs/aqemu/blfs.qcow2,cache=writeback \
>> -cdrom /mnt/virtualfs/aqemu/grub-img.iso \
>> -boot order=c,menu=on \
>> -net nic,vlan=0,model=e1000 -net
>> user,vlan=0,hostfwd=tcp::2222- \
>> -name "lfs" $*
> Of the options above the only thing I can see that might affect things
> are the line -smp 4 -cpu Nehalem.  My system is:
> Intel(R) Core(TM)2 Duo CPU E8400 @3.00GHz
> so I can't specify -cpu Nehalem
> What do you get if you specify '-cpu host'?
> I can try specifying -smp 2 and still use make -j1 to see if that makes
> a difference.
> I will wait a bit because the system is doing a full LFS build (all
> tests) right now.  It's chugging away at the Chapter 6 gcc tests right
> now and the automake tests always take a while.

Some interesting observations.  The make time using -j2 is about 80 
seconds.  That's about 25% overhead -- not too bad.  The -j1 time is 
still over 200 seconds and pushing 75% overhead.  This doesn't make a 
lot of sense to me.

I also noticed a very significant difference between tar -xf; cd; 
./configure; time make and just a make clean; ./configure; time make.

I think I may try vmware for a comparison.

   -- Bruce

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