
During a jhalfs run of LFS 7.4, I has my attention caught by an unusual
duration of the util-linux build. I waited one more hour, then tried to
investigate (whithout interrupting the build). Looking at the logs
and the test logs, the tests had hanged at "script: race conditions".

A 'ps aux | grep script' command returned:
99        2580  0.0  0.0   9696  1532 ?        S    15:15   0:00 /bin/bash 
--srcdir=/sources/util-linux-2.23.2 --builddir=/sources/util-linux-2.23.2
99        2624  0.0  0.0   9828   808 ?        S    15:15   0:00 /bin/bash 
--srcdir=/sources/util-linux-2.23.2 --builddir=/sources/util-linux-2.23.2
99        4903  0.0  0.0   8360   688 ?        S    15:15   0:00 
/sources/util-linux-2.23.2/script -q -c printf 'Bingo\n' 
99        4904  0.0  0.0   8368   340 ?        S    15:15   0:00 
/sources/util-linux-2.23.2/script -q -c printf 'Bingo\n' 

I killed the second (PID 4904) 'script' process, and the build
went to completion almost immediately.

Amazingly, the test log says:
  All 113 tests PASSED

Actually, looking at tests/run.sh, I cannot understand how it is that two
 '/sources/util-linux-2.23.2/tests/ts/script/race' processes have been launched.
OTH, each 'race' script launches 1000 'script' processes, so it is normal to 
have more.

But it seems that the race condition test has failed in this case...
Well, I guess it is a race condition test, according to the name of the script 

Do not know if it is something to worry about, but thought I should share

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