Hello! Today, I've been compiling LFS 7.4-rc2, and I got stuck in chapter 6.13, where binutils failed to compile.
I looked at the compile log and I've found a warning regarding the variable physname in binutils/stabs.c being used uninitialized. The compiler turned the warning into an error. Maybe the reason for this was the -O2 compiler flag. I found a way to fix the error by looking at the commit log on the official Git repository, and this [1] is the solution. It's weird that this change wasn't in the tarball, since it was made in January. Regards, Klemen Košir [1]: https://sourceware.org/git/?p=binutils.git;a=commitdiff;h=0d3a3b97626391bb99b2574c88c79ee7991c981c;hp=6ebff3867161b8f3a116db0e1530df0047a87c73
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