Ken Moffat wrote:
> On Fri, Aug 30, 2013 at 11:20:29PM -0500, Bruce Dubbs wrote:
>> Ken Moffat wrote:
>>> (which I build straight after xorg).  It's gitk, but 'man git' (or
>>> man anything) didn't work for a regular user - instead it listed the
>>> manpage it couldn't open.  Something in my build had set
>>> /usr/share/man to perms of 750.  Changing that to 755 fixed the
>>> problem.
>> I ran into that too recently.  It was one of the packages I installed
>> recently, but I can't remember which one.  My log says that I installed
>> these yesterday:
>> Thu Aug 29 09:13:54 /usr/src/mesalib/MesaLib-9.2.0.tar.bz2
>> Thu Aug 29 16:16:31 /usr/src/reiser/reiserfsprogs-3.6.24.tar.xz
>> Thu Aug 29 17:06:56 /usr/src/sqlite/sqlite-autoconf-3080000.tar.gz
>> Thu Aug 29 17:38:40 /usr/src/raptor/raptor2-2.0.10.tar.gz
>> We may need to look a little closer at MesaLib.  Another possibility may
>> be kbd-2.0 if you are using that.
>>     -- Bruce
>   Thanks for that confirmation.  I don't install reiser, and I hadn't
> installed raptor at that point,  Don't want to return to the rc1
> system on this box at the moment (just started building LO after
> what I hope is the last error in my "select many languages" code),
> but I've mounted rc1 at /mnt/lfs and I'm surprised to see:
> root@jtm1 ~# ls -ld /mnt/lfs/usr/share/man/
> drwxr-sr-x 38 root root 4096 Aug 27 18:14 /mnt/lfs/usr/share/man/

>   Suid for group (with a group of root) ?  Will need to check the
> i686.  The time suggests faad2, libsamplerate, or libupnp (or
> perhaps something at the end of fftw).  I've added some
> instrumentation around those packages but not sure if it will work.

I have a virgin -rc2 build and have:

$ ls -ld /mnt/lfs/usr/share/man/
drwxr-xr-x 36 root root 4096 Aug 30 15:48 /mnt/lfs/usr/share/man/

So I can't confirm what you have.

>   Also, that suggests that a change between the builds is responsible
> for the 750 problem.  The changes in my packages seem to be:
>   git, xf86-video-intel, MesaLib, sqlite, raptor.  Also lm_sensors
> (previously built it, but reran make instead of installing it).

I haven't built xf86-video-intel this go-around, but I did build 
lm_sensors last week.  This is a recent problem, but like you, didn't 
notice when it happened.  Looking at package download dates, I have:

Nov 16  2011 xf86-video-intel-2.17.0.tar.bz2
May 27 07:49 lm_sensors-3.3.4.tar.bz2
Aug 23 16:22 git-htmldocs-1.8.4.tar.gz
Aug 23 16:49 git-manpages-1.8.4.tar.gz
Aug 23 16:22 git-1.8.4.tar.gz
Aug 27 11:05
Aug 27 11:05 sqlite-autoconf-3080000.tar.gz
Aug 27 22:56 raptor2-2.0.10.tar.gz
Aug 18 14:27 kbd-2.0.0.tar.gz
Aug 29 08:42 MesaLib-9.2.0.tar.bz2

>   I'll wait to see if the instrumentation is working, then take a
> look at an i686 build to narrow this down.  Or perhaps another build
> on this faster machine, but in a directory : I don't need to boot
> it, just to look at the perms.

OK.  This is something that's fairly important.  We need to make sure 
it's fixed.  At the end of my build scripts I always run a function to 
do statistics.  I can add a statemetn to check permissions for every 
package.  That may help find the culprit.

   -- Bruce

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