Ken Moffat wrote:
> On Mon, Apr 22, 2013 at 03:57:28PM -0500, Bruce Dubbs wrote:
>> I've already tried a DESTDIR install and it seems to work there.
>> I'm not sure we need the --datadir entry at all.  Mounts are done before
>> any kbd programs are called, so having the support files in /usr
>> shouldn't be a problem.
>> ./configure --prefix=/usr --disable-vlock
>> seems to fix things up putting all the kbd support files in /usr/share.
>>     -- Bruce
>   We move kbd_mode, loadkeys, openvt, setfont to /bin at the end of
> the install with an explanation:
> "Some of the scripts in the LFS-Bootscripts package depend on
> kbd_mode, loadkeys, openvt, and setfont. As /usr may not be
> available during the early stages of booting, those binaries need to
> be on the root partition:"
>   Is that outdated ?  If so, no need to move those programs.  But if
> we do still need to move them, I'm a lot happier with /bin/loadkeys
> and /bin/setfont getting the keymaps and fonts from /lib.

I think it may be outdated.  The order is:


S40mountfs will mount /usr if it's not already mounted and the first kbd 
based command is in S70console.  I suppose it's possible that udev does 
something there, but AFAICT the worst thing that can happen is that some 
output message from a command in one of the above scripts may be in the 
wrong font or language.  Also, the scripts themselves have no support 
for i18n.

>   With your sed : sed -i 's/@datadir@/@localedir@/' po/
> and using the existing instructions with --localedir=/usr/share,
> the locales do go into the correct place (from a DESTDIR build) as
> you noted.
>   The easiest way to test that the translations appear is to use
> "dumpkeys -h".  There are also translations for many of the
> languages with "loadkeys.h" and a one-liner usage for "getkeycodes
> -h".  Those can all be run from an xterm or equivalent (that might
> make more of them legible - zh_CN is never going to work in a
> console.  After copying locale files to /usr/share I've
> got translations from dumpkeys with LC_ALL= cs_cz, da_DK, de_AT,
> el_GR, es_ES, id_ID, it_CH, nl_BE, pl_PL, ro_RO, ru_RU, sv_FI,
> tr_TR, uk_UA, vi_VN, zh_CN (all .UTF8).
>   With the exception of vi_VN and zh_CN those all render in my
> console with my LatGrkCyr font. Vietnamese can work, but you won't
> get much else except english from a screen font that handles it.
>   I suspect that the turkish is a bit garbled - it seems to have a
> lot of dollar signs in it.

Are those issues something that should be addressed by LFS or upstream?

Also, I don't know how many people use a console any more.  Virtually 
all of the larger distros go directly to xdm or equivalent. A remote ssh 
doesn't use console fonts if run from an xterm or equivalent.  I do boot 
to a console, but most of the time my first command is startx or to 
access the system from another system via ssh.  Occasionally I'll do a 
little work from the console, but that is/was only to debug the boot 

We've got three possibilities here:

1.  Leave it alone
2.  Use a sed and only change the location of the files
3.  Put all the support files in /usr/share

My initial reaction is to do 3, but I could be persuaded otherwise.

   -- Bruce
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