On 04/07/2013 09:06 PM, John Burrell wrote:
>  >
>  > You need to add:
>  > session optional pam_systemd.so
>  > to the /etc/pam.d/system-session.
> Excellent - thank you, That single addition fixed it. I'm writing this
> using Firefox, having successfully logged-in.

Also, as done with ConsoleKit, you need the pam_loginuid module, too.

>  >
>  > Also if you are going to use a graphical login manager, you need to
> modify
>  > their pam files to call the pam_systemd.so module.
> I'm still using startx at the moment. I think I prefer it to a graphical
> login, so I'll leave gdm alone for now.
> jb.

The current GDM PAM files don't work very well with Systemd. You can use 
this patch to fix it - It's against 3.8.0, but you can get it to apply 
for 3.6.2, too - just remove the gdm-pin part.


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