On 04/01/2013 04:59:50 PM, Bruce Dubbs wrote:
> Ken Moffat wrote:
> >   I'd seen comments on the kernel list about bc being required in
> > 3.9, and then forgotten about them (on my desktops I have it anyway,
> > for xscreensaver).  It gets used for kernel/timeconst.h
> > https://patchwork.kernel.org/patch/2143611/
> >
> >   Now I'm just doing a fresh 7.3 install to test some changes I plan
> > to make in my desktops.  Since 3.9-rc4 (with a patch to make smartd
> > work) seems to work well for me I thought I would build that for the
> > new system's first kernel (but not for the headers :):
> >
> >    BC      kernel/timeconst.h
> > /bin/sh: bc: command not found
> > make[1]: *** [kernel/timeconst.h] Error 127
> > make: *** [kernel] Error 2
> >
> >   For the moment I've added it to the end of my chapter 6 build, I
> > haven't checked dependencies to see how soon it can be built.
> I don't mind adding it to LFS.  It's one of the first things I build
> because I use it in my scripts for measuring build size.
> An additional package to move from LFS might be lsb_release-1.4 to
> complement what we have in Section 9.1.

Just a random note, but I've been building LFS systems using busybox as  
the base system for years now. (I spent several years making that work.  

A busybox-based /tools is basically just busybox defconfig, make, bash,  
and your toolchain. (Plus perl if you're using glibc.) You can then  
build the final system normally under that.

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