Armin K. wrote:
> Hi there,
> If you remember, we agreed not to upgrade Xorg components very often
> some time ago.
> You can notice, however, that I sometimes bump a library, driver, server
> and such for a newer version.
> The reason behind that is mainly that even upstream developers "agree"
> that katamari releases are waste of time. So my thoughts are we
> shouldn't wait for any major stuff to happen (like we did wait for Xorg
> Server 1.13.0 because we didn't want to upgrade libraries and protocol
> headers just because we agreed on that) and just upgrade things as they
> get released - as other rolling release distros do.
> If you are interested, here is the link to upstream post
> Probably the most important part is:
>       In keeping with the X.Org goal of about one release per
>       year, Release 7.7 of the X Window System occurred 6 June
>       2012. Release 7.6 was about 1.5 years earlier, in
>       December 2010. However, there is some feeling among the
>       developer community that the "katamari" point releases
>       of all of X are no longer terribly useful, yet are a big
>       consumer of developer resources. Thus, it is likely that
>       these releases will be farther apart in the future, or
>       will cease altogether--not because development pace is
>       decreasing, but because point releases of individual
>       components are a better mechanism in the "new" world of
>       modularized X development.

I don't mind this change as long as the Xorg development community 
realizes that the interfaces between individual components are frozen. 
That is, if one component affects another, the release of all affected 
components must happen at the same time.

As far as BLFS goes, I'd only ask that changes be verified by building 
all components in a candidate change be built as a fresh Xorg build and 
a basic check of functionality be made before committing to the book.

   -- Bruce

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