Ken Moffat wrote:
> On Wed, Feb 27, 2013 at 08:51:37PM -0600, Bruce Dubbs wrote:
>> Ken Moffat wrote:
>>>    The interesting part of the log is:
>>> Running ./pgrep.test/pgrep.exp ...
>>> ERROR: tcl error sourcing ./pgrep.test/pgrep.exp.
>>> ERROR: can't read "tty": no such variable
>> I've seen this if trying in chroot without /dev mounted.  It needs /proc
>> too.
> Just to confirm (finishing up the build-itself test at the moment),
> that I didn't get these two this time, but I did get the ERRORs for
> kill and as you say, we suppress that.
>>> Running ./pkill.test/pkill.exp ...
>>> Running ./pmap.test/pmap.exp ...
>>> FAIL: pmap extra extended output (footer)
>>> FAIL: pmap double extra extended output (footer)
>   So, I still have no understanding of what the tests do, but isn't
> the final sed:
> sed -i 's|pmap_initname\\\$|pmap_initname|' pmap.test/pmap.exp
> supposed to fix that ?

I'm not sure.  The base code has:

set pmap "${topdir}pmap"
set pmap_initname "1:\\s+\\S+\[^\\r\]+\\s+"
set test "pmap X with unreachable process"
spawn $pmap -X 1
expect_pass $test "$pmap_initname\$"

The sed removes that trailing \$

So it's running 'pmap -X 1'.  When I run that from the command line, I 
get no output at all, but that's without /proc mounted...

OK, /proc mounted.  Now I get back:

$ pmap -X 1
1:   init [3]

and a bunch of other stuff.  I think, but am not sure, the problem is 
that the regular expression is looking for trailing spaces and not 
finding them.  However, when I go into the chroot environment with the 
virtual file systems mounted and run the tests, I get the ERRORs, but no 

   -- Bruce

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