Aleksey Rybalkin wrote:
> Hi Bruce.
> I suggest to move `udevadm hwdb --update` up to the chapter in the book
> (from Makefile.lfs). With that change fakeroot/DESTDIR folks can easily
> move that line to their post-upgrades/post-installs.
> Right now `make DESTDIR=<whatever> -f udev-lfs-196/Makefile.lfs install`
> does not work with that instruction if it is being run from fakeroot,
> because it tries to write to /etc, ignoring DESTDIR. So we need to make
> seds like `sed -i -e '/udevadm hwdb/d' udev-lfs-${pkgver}/Makefile.lfs`
> [1].

Let me think about it.  My first thought is that it is a reasonable 
thing to do.

   -- Bruce

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