I've checked the current SVN version, too.

The latest svn revision is (I believe) 10016, which was commited yesterday.

There is still the missing dependency in udev-lfs/Makefile.lfs:

$ head -210 udev-lfs/Makefile.lfs | tail -5

build/udevadm: $(UDEV_ADMIN_OBJS)
        @echo LINK $@
        $(VB)gcc $(UDEV_ADMIN_OBJS) -o $@ $(LDFLAGS2) build/$(COMMON_LIB)
        $(VB)strip --strip-unneeded $@

Im not very familiar with svn (I rather use git).
Sorry if I mixed up something.

Kind regards,

On 10/14/2012 01:17 AM, Bruce Dubbs wrote:
> Matthias Rüster wrote:
>> Hello LFS editors,
>> I just finished building lfs-7.2.
>> Had a problem with udev-lfs though...
>> I was not able to build udev (extracted from systemd) in parallel with
>> make -j ...
> It takes 10 seconds with -j1.  It's also been fixed in the svn version.
>     -- Bruce

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