Armin K. wrote:
> On 08/29/2012 06:08 PM, Bruce Dubbs wrote:
>> A workaround is to just 'mkdir build' before running make.
>> Thanks for testing the release candidate.

> Uh oh. I replied to this mail, but it never arrived.

I already deleted the held mail so I can't look for it.

> I tought that was the problem but it wasn't.
> root:/sources/_udev-lfs-188_# make -f udev-lfs-188/Makefile.lfs
> The error happens because make isn't run from _systemd_ but from
> _udev-lfs_ directory!

I don't understand why the Makefile would run at all.  If he is in 
systemd/udev-lfs, then 'make -f udev-lfs-188/Makefile.lfs' would just 
fail with 'No such file or directory'

> I guess a big note/warning should be present on systemd udev page saying
> that user must be in systemd directory, not udev-lfs one.

We can't put notes and warnings for every possible instance of not 
following the book.  We do the same type of extraction in gcc in Chapter 5.

> I helped this guy on IRC tough.


   -- Bruce

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