On Tue, Aug 28, 2012 at 06:28:11PM -0400, Baho Utot wrote:
> I am building LFS-7.0 but this may also be true of the latest LFS
> I have found that mountpoint and its man page is in util-linux and 
> sysvinit packages.
> I know that the way LFS installs packages the sysvinit package would 
> over write the util-linux but.....
> Which should really be kept?
 On my current system (7.2-rc), both mountpoint and the manpage are
from util-linux. We are currently removing it from sysvinit with a

sed -i -e 's/utmpdump wall/utmpdump/' \
       -e '/= mountpoint/d' \
       -e 's/mountpoint.1 wall.1//' src/Makefile

 No idea when we started doing that, but if it was overwriting in
7.0 it's fixed now.

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