On Thu, Jun 14, 2012 at 07:01:17PM -0500, Bruce Dubbs wrote:
> Ken Moffat wrote:
> >  I think you will have hours of fun getting to a kernel .config that
> > works for you.  I *suppose* that 6.6 is probably good enough to
> > compile a current kernel, but so much has changed over the years
> > that I think you will have a lot of fun sorting out the correct
> > drivers.  
> I didn't make things clear.  I'm not going to *boot* 6.6 at all.  I'm 
> not even going to build the kernel.  I'm just building SVN from within 
> the LFS 6.6 chroot.

 At some point you will need to boot a new kernel, unless you intend
to only ever run the new system in chroot.  Whether you move
straight to current (or long-term-stable), or take an intermediate
step, there has still been an awful lot which has changed over the
years.  I've been bitten by a few things when upgrading my previous
server (my desktops usually run current or -rc), so I hope that
getting your final kernel .config will be a lot easier than I expect.

 Generally, going from kernel x.y.z to x.y+1.* is easy, it's when you
go from y to y+4, or greater, that things can start to become more

> >  Enjoy the process!
> So far so good.  :)


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