Le 02/06/2012 18:00, Jeremy Huntwork a écrit :
> I'm going to start by jumping on the parser, since it will be 
> necessary right away for any of this to work. My initial thoughts are 
> to build one parser that can accept different output filters, for 
> example, outputting to PKGBUILD files, or rpm spec files, or even, the 
> jhalfs-type build scriptlets. Any thoughts on that? JH 
Thinking a little more about it, I think I might have done a small part 
of the work, which might be interesting to you.
For the BLFS part of jhalfs, I needed to generate a list of the 
packages, with the version and the dependencies. I chose to have it in 
xml. A typical entry is:
<dependency status="required" name="dbus-glib" type="ref"/>
<dependency status="required" name="polkit" type="ref"/>
<dependency status="optional" name="gobject-introspection" type="ref"/>
<dependency status="optional" name="xmlto" type="ref"/>

You could add a few tags, like <tarball>, <scriptlet> (maybe that one 
splitted into configure, make, install, ...), and so on and you would be 

The parser for this file is BLFS/xsl/gen_pkg_list.xsl, in the project 
svn://svn.linuxfromscratch.org/ALFS/jhalfs/branches/ablfs. It uses 
another generated file for the special cases, generated by 
BLFS/gen-special.sh. It is for the BLFS book. I think it should be easy 
to adapt it to LFS.

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