On Sat, Jun 02, 2012 at 09:37:35AM -0700, Bryan Kadzban wrote:
> Ken Moffat wrote:
> > 
> > Unfortunately, the *order* of the options is significant.
> That's surprising; normally order is not...
 That's why I mentioned it.

> > Adding those four after my previous options
> > --with-dbussystemservicedir was dislkied.  When I removed that,
> > --enable-udev-only=yes was no longer accepted.
> Any particular error message from configure?
 Only the normal message that an option was not recognised (in each
of the above cases).

> I have to admit I'm not sure what the most recent patch being tested is,
> so I'm not entirely sure what might be happening here.  Maybe the AS_IF
> stuff (testing $enable_udev_only) in configure.ac is dropping the flags
> for some reason?

 The patch I attached at the start of this thread - a mix of what is
in upstream plus contributions from Andy and Bruce, perhaps
mismerged.  Probably not worth spending time on in the light of what
you say below.

> > I'll wait for Bryan to test his proposed patch.
> Done last night, and posted to linux-hotplug (no response so far, but it
> was late, and this is a weekend, and nobody's working at RH at the
> moment, so that's not surprising).
> http://marc.info/?l=linux-hotplug&m=133862040203388&w=2
> Note that the patch as posted there is *not* suitable for LFS.
[ snipped the HOWTO details ]

 I'm on my other machine for now, but I'll try to test all that in
the next few days (I'm catching up with other things at the moment).


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