On Thu, May 17, 2012 at 02:48:13PM -0500, Bruce Dubbs wrote:
> Ken Moffat wrote:
> > On Fri, May 11, 2012 at 04:06:54PM +0100, Ken Moffat wrote:
> >>  The proposal:
> >>
> >>  If the first 3 assertions are correct, then I suggest that we should
> >> remove resizecons, and its manpage, from the build - with some seds
> >> (not yet tested), and in explaining the seds use a short summary of
> >> assertions 1-3, or even of 1-4.
> >>
> >>  Comments ?
> >>
> >  Silence is always very hard to interpret - this time, I've
> > interpreted it as "don't care either way" - preview (kbd and
> > changelog are the only changes) at
> > http://www.linuxfromscratch.org/~ken/tmp/lfs-book-noresizecons/
> I can't really comment since I don't use any non-default kbd functions.
>    -- Bruce
 Thanks, I hope I didn't offend you by describing that as "don't care
either way" - I'm in the same position.  AFAICS, nobody using a
recent kernel will use resizecons, so we will be better off without
it (remembering that LFS can be small).

 Let's call my approach option 1.  The alternatives are to:

2. remove the man page on everything except i?86 (for LFS itself,
that means x86_64, but 'everything except' is a more accurate
description for anyone trying to build LFS on other arches) - a
slightly strange case statement for a sed to do this (using 'unless'
would be the correct logical construct here, but let's keep it in

3. install it on x86_64 and reinstate svgalib in BLFS for those
on i?86 or x86_64 who are determined to use it,

4. note that the program is only installed on i?86 [ I suppose we
could omit explaining why it is useless ] and that people on other
arches can delete the man page if they want to.  This fits with
upstream's Suse-influenced change in git to install the program on
x86_64, but it doesn't make it useful.

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